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Baby crying

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Baby crying

Let's start, dear parents, understand, what is the child crying and how it can be invoked. Find this important because only by knowing the roots of tears, you can eliminate both. And I want to say that they think is wrong, parents who do not understand why a child is infinitely sheds tears, according to the most causeless weeping. Believe me, this does not happen. Lamentations - a signal, a reflex arising in infants because of hunger, thirst, desire to sleep and the natural urge to trucking. In the subsequent crying signals of any unpleasant, intolerable feeling of reaching the degree of affect: the acute anxiety and fear, sadness and grief, rage and excitement.

Various functions of crying - caprice (hysteria), protest, request, demand, complaint (grievance), crying signal, a cry-discharge - constitute a complex psychological structure that is peculiar language. To an outsider, hearing a child crying - an unpleasant stimulus. Mother always knows how to catch it notes that indicate what she wants her baby. When adults try to use any means to stop the baby crying , they risk not only to increase the distance between himself and them, but also to erect this wall of indifference and incomprehension.

However, there are children who cry more than others obviously. They shed tears for every occasion: sympathizing with a favorite fairy tale or seeing a dead butterfly, hearing screams and loud voices, experiencing physical pain or entering with someone in the conflict. Weeping is a strong psychic experiences, a kind of emotional shake-up that occurs on the background of the preceding voltage excitation or inhibition. He may be a consequence of the discharge voltage, like an overcrowded thunderstorm cloud out of which poured rain. Relief experienced after crying, to some extent helps to improve mood, thus presenting a means of regulating emotional tone.

Many parents complain about the behavior of troubled children: moods, irritability, tears over every trifle, passing into hysterics when a child falls on the floor and starts beating his feet or hands. We must try to find a reason for this behavior and try to fix it. Particularly common in the mother is worrying is no explainable cry a nursing infant. In such cases, if you are convinced that the apparent cause for concern, and the doctor examined him, concluded that he is healthy, not to follow his every cry ran up to him and take his hands and humor, nevovremya feed, just to reassure . Otherwise grudnichok get used to that screaming he can achieve everything he wants. Wrong techniques soothe him only a short time.

Let's start with that crying in the early years of his life the kid expresses the needs of nature, that is, wants to eat, drink or relieve themselves uncomfortable in his wet clothes. The child is not able to speak and express all their wishes through crying, thereby attracting the attention of parents. Later, when the baby is able to say his first words and, apparently, already have them express their wishes, he still cries and capricious, if anything he wants. This is a reflex, because the subconscious incorporated information about this method of fulfilling wishes.

Nervous irritability often arises in his case, he relentlessly demands the impossible. Sometimes a subject that he did not need, just cry and tears, he gets what he wants. There's also a situation that is already at an early age the child is accustomed to be calm and happy only in the presence of adults. He feels comfortable only when the next one is on him paying attention. And this is undesirable, as fraught with unpleasant consequences.

If a kid does not find things to do and feels the need for direct contact with parents, he may express his desire to attract the attention of adults, tears, whining, complaining of various misfortunes, and thus achieve its goal. If he is quite small, it will take up and try to calm down, that is, will show some attention. Communication means a lot to the kid. Correctly received those parents who are paying enough attention. But it is worth and indulge every whim, and do: to give all that was asked, constantly taking on his hands and persistently to be around, throwing everything and care.

What kid wants to say?

Lamentations - a natural reaction, if a baby has been dropped or bumped. Of course, it also hurts. Children are generally very seriously our failures. Even if it is slightly bumped, still makes this whole tragedy, because it is important that it drew attention, sympathize and pity. Sometimes kids do not want to wear what they offer parents - and again moods, tears and other actions until the spreading of clothing.

Not all kids get used to the garden. Sometimes in order to adapt to new surroundings and getting used to other kids need to make a lot of effort and patience. After the child is considered natural that with him must always be a mom. Getting into an unfamiliar situation and losing sight of their parents, the kid gets scared and starts to look for them, expressing their displeasure with tears. He may cry if it hurt other children. For example, he pushed, do not share a toy, picked a book with interesting pictures ...

Weeping, he complains when he has something that is not obtained. For example, the child tried on their own, but failed to put on socks. Nosochek flips, the leg does not want it to fall. Baby starts to get nervous and cry, as if drawing attention of adults to be helped. In the early years of kids sweat a lot, craps on diapers or sliders. All this adversely affects the condition of their skin. It is therefore very important to regularly bathe them. But not everyone likes water treatments, and express their dissatisfaction with the shouts and cries, arrange "concerts", drawing attention not only to relatives and friends and even neighbors who listened with amazement to the loud cries of the wall and painfully trying to guess what is so done with child, once he was crying hysterically.

Tears may be the result of punishment. They generally are very influenced by the psychological development of children. He may withdraw, become embittered as to see the connection between his conduct and punishment, evaluating it only as violence by adults. Especially offensive to think the kid punished for no reason when he was not guilty. For example, on a walk someone pushed him into the mud, of course, he got dirty, frightened and crying. Arriving home, he is looking for sympathy from my mother, and she starts screaming at him, because she'll need to wash. She did not understand the situation, not asked him about how it happened. As a result, a child blubbered and offended, is in the corner, serving a sentence.

Crying child, being able to affect, poorly perceives comments, advice, orders, then bring up at the cry of no use. It is unacceptable to punish him, crying because he can easily forget, for which he was punished, and the very state of mourning for its essence is a punishment for him. There is a popular belief that children's tears easily drained. Indeed, the duration of the emotional state of children under five years is relatively small, but the power of emotion is not inferior and sometimes even surpasses the similar condition in adults.
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