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Backache meadow (sleep-grass) from the evil eye damage

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Backache meadow (sleep-grass) from the evil eye, damage

Grass lumbago are to mention themselves, helps to protect against witchcraft. If it is put in a house or fumigating with dry grass house, and exorcise.

• Decoction of herb helps with insomnia, as well as those who have lost voice.

• The herb is useful for external and internal paralysis, as well as paralysis of the optic nerve.

• When external and internal hernia decoction is used externally. Also, the grass is cooked in a pot with leaves and warm as a compress applied to the external hernia.

• The grass is well helps nezadavnennoy epilepsy. 2chaynye tablespoons of grass in the evening to put in a thermos and pour a cup of boiling water. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.

• When scabies grass 3-5days stand in cream and smear the sore spots.

• Decoction of the fresh plant is used for dizziness and a delay of menstruation in women.

• Decoction of the root is prescribed for bacterial and amoebic dysentery.

• Decoction of herbs shown as antifebrile, antipyretic and diuretic, edema, renal and cardiac origin.

• Juice herbs with honey is used in glaucoma.

• The plant is in dry form is used in pyoderma, chronic ulcers and other skin diseases.

• Fresh herbs poisonous. If you make it for a few minutes on the skin, then there is a burn in the form of watery and bloody blisters.

• Extract from the leaves is used to treat wounds and fungal skin diseases.
• Drink a decoction in bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough. As a sedative for insomnia, headache, migraine, hysteria, neuralgia, vertigo.

• Juice from the roots destroys warts.

• backache causes and strengthens menstruation stops pain and has anti-inflammatory action.

We must remember that the grass is contraindicated in gastritis and nephritis.
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