Bad people do not
With each communication, at every meeting I'm trying to find a man all the good things he has, and tell him about it. And frankly. Anyone who discloses meet becomes my friend, and leave the rest, as they have every right to. We let go easily as breathing. And when I look at my friends, I think: "My God, how can I express my love for you!" I have many earthly angels, and the first, or rather, the first of them know who is for me. Imagine that whatever I asked what would help me not needed - after a moment thought she replies: "Natasha, for you - from heaven'll get a star!" And to get it! Thank you, my angel!
Get a good result is possible only with the help of non-violence and kindness to people. Moreover, this ratio should take into account the peculiarities of those you are interested and needed. So try to pay attention to what is dear to people that care about them, their individual psychological characteristics. Always find the opportunity to tell a person something nice, especially when he needs it. I liked the words of one very successful businessman, famous for its amazing ability to negotiate with all countries without exception. When I asked him how he succeeds, he laughed, as always, and replied: "I use three rules.
First. bad people do not . There are only those who do not fall into the zone of our communication.
Second. When I go into the office, I think over in advance what specific result I want to achieve from the meeting. And do not leave, until I, or at least do not start the discussion.
And the third rule. I always find positive traits in people and they just say this, even at the first meeting. "
I can only add that this unique person intuitively feels that it is interested in his companion or interlocutor, and said, mainly on these topics! As you can see, the emphasis seems to be shifted to another person, but it was such a behavior leads to success, while at the same firm do you remember about your goals! Treat people with genuine interest and love, and you will see how much happier would your life! I have perhaps a strange habit of looking at all the people with whom I associate with love and they feel it! Even if you get a very "tough cookie", I say to myself: "But his wife for something to love him?" And try to find the best quality. The funny thing is that the people of the beeches is becoming a nice cat, which is very pleasant to deal with. People love those who love them! Only this love must be sincere, then everything will turn out.

Love always felt, do not deprive myself of this joy! In addition, you will have advantages over others for its clean, joyful force, because love conquers all. If I have a very difficult (because success and upward flight is often accompanied by envious), I recall the words of Og Mandino: "There are always critics, detractors and cynics, I envy you, your talents, job or your lifestyle. Remember that jealousy, like a worm, looks very juicy apple. Do not pay attention to them: The dog barks - the wind carries. Your time is too precious. " Your strength and kindness should be enough for you to take part in the lives of all who you love. And then people will respond to you the same, moreover, they will simply adore you.
Understanding with partner
If you need people, your well-being, including material comes to you naturally. Try to find and develop the unique talents and offer them to others, and then wages will never be the subject of your experiences, so you believe me! Moreover, you will become so popular that you can not take all comers, and this is also true. I often use in their meditations, Joseph Murphy, a magical prayer: "Lord, You are my source and I am Your instrument. I bless every person who comes to me, Thy love. " The outcome of such a prayer - an endless number of customers and, accordingly, - good earnings. By the way, I noticed that you should not say: "I myself make money." Much better work this phrase: "God gives me as much as I need, and much more!
Well, now, about my beloved, we are with you think about how to reach an understanding with a partner, companion or just a stranger with whom you want to establish good and most importantly, mutually beneficial relationship. So many problems in the world arises from the fact that people can not understand each other! But it is not in the fact that they can not - they just do not know how to do it, even if they have the desire or need. Understand another person - not a difficult task, as we think. You just need to ask yourself one simple question: "What would I myself thought and felt about the situation, if I spot this man?" When you try to answer it, you'll understand why the other acts as such and not otherwise. After all, you remember that every person encountered on your path of life, always reflects some aspect of your personality. Therefore, when trying to understand it, you eventually start to a much better understanding of itself!
Likewise, the rest: showing genuine interest and respect for others, you are simultaneously develops self-esteem. By learning to recognize and appreciates the dignity of those who are talking to, you raise your own self-esteem. Moreover, beginning to understand, respect and appreciate other people, you are imbued with real sympathy for him, which causes a reciprocal sympathy from them. So why do not we make a little effort in order to cause at least sympathy with whom we are going to communicate - whether for business purposes, private, or necessity? ..
That's what we are reasonable adults to resist the request immediately to refuse further cooperation with unpleasant to us, for whatever reasons, man, and able to put their emotions under control and ensure that our interlocutor will eventually give us even likable. And, in turn, will be fascinated by us. Because the action is counter, is not it? And perhaps his apparent hostility towards us will disappear just when we do start to show him sympathy. But even if our universal love does not work, then let go of this individual and move on, knowing that each day brings new opportunities and new friends.
☼ I am grateful for my wonderful friends and helpers who are always ready to help me.