Bans on sex
Bans on sex - one of the most common. Usually they are part of traditional culture, assimilated from childhood, and few people asking himself the question: "why, in fact, sex is bad?" And if he is good, then why should I limit myself? " Even those who are struggling to complete sexual freedom, no wonder why do I need this fight, why would anyone comes to mind to limit sex. Indeed, why? Note that all the ancient sages, the founders of movements, sects and religions were men. Many of them were hermits, it needed to focus, in this case, any thoughts about the woman interfered with the main cause of their lives. Some of them showed no interest in women even before they took up philosophy and became well-known sages and teachers - that is, to use medical terminology, they were impotent.
A man who loves women who have never been able to devote his life to pure thought, game ideas, it would be too distracted by earthly things - so all or nearly all rodonochalniki ideas were not too sexy or not sexy. But it was their idea to infect others. And now, sex is considered low and unworthy. The idea initially starts in the mind of one elected, the person, and then infects others, so antiseksualnye ideas have been circulated since ancient times as prevalent today. Plato forbids pleasures of love. He does it on the grounds that they interfere with sobriety. It says quite clearly. But he again attributes to people's own values - if you choose between the pleasures of love and rationality, different people will choose different things. How does a woman need not for everyone, and prudence is necessary not for everyone. The woman actually prevents think, but then pure thought - it's only joy of the elect, and in life than thinking there are other values.
There are other reasons that sex is dirty, corrupt, unworthy - and is subject to numerous restrictions. Economic reasons. That the man was convinced that transmits the inheritance is his child, his wife should not be too sexy, should be brought up in the spirit of sexual modesty and assume all sorts of pleasures the greatest sin, and from intercourse with the spouse - marital duties - it is a duty rather than pleasure. Such a wife will not change. Economically, the perfect woman must be frigid. To make it such that all education should be permeated with the spirit of antiseksualnosti. Sex is low, dirty and ugly. So educated women for many centuries in a row.

Psychological causes. There is sexual shame, which is associated with helplessness during sexual intercourse, but as ashamed of usually poor, hence, the sex itself nachinet be considered bad. Medical reason. There are, unfortunately, sexually transmitted diseases. The best prevention is to - sexual restrictions. And again antiseksualnoe education is helpful. Physiological reasons. Sexual organs and the organs of excretion in humans combined. Therefore, sex is dirty - associative. Political reasons. All dictatorships have tried to prohibit, control and restrict sex - because emotions in this area are not controlled by a dictator. Man in bed with the woman ceases to love the chief. And it is criminal, from the viewpoint of the leader.
The second economic reason. Random link may lead to the birth of the child and child-rearing requires a large expenditure of money, time and labor. A man should be with a woman for a long time, otherwise it okazyvaetya injured party. From this standpoint, the random connection, too, can be considered as a crime. Psychiatric reason: There is sexual violence and sexual maniac. It is assumed that the restriction of sexuality, and this will limit the unhealthy part of the population. Another question is whether this is so. Age Cause: Sexuality announce flawed because sex should be prohibited for adolescents. In addition, sexual promiscuity is often characteristic of people who have other, more serious flaws. This is easily explained. Primitives, which are characterized by brutality and immorality, misbehavior, addiction to alcohol, etc. are usually coarsely sexy - this is the only ability, given their nature. This is also a significant negative impact on attitudes toward sex, as such.
Prohibitions of sex, for whatever reason, this labyrinth bans - that is, a lot is prohibited, lest small. In some ways they are useful, but think for a minute - how many broken lives, many of separated lovers and loved ones, how many female convicts - from those that obeyed the call of the heart - how many of those killed to cover up sin, and children were in the last thousand years? Our sexual morality is unhealthy, it has evolved from a sick idea of human sacrifice - that is zhervoprinoshenie, but not concentrated, and dissolved into the crowd. Previously, some sacrificed all his life. Now donate everything, but only a part of life. In contrast to all this develops an alternative sexual morality. She is also ill, as well as traditional. Its basic principles: do not be afraid of sex, sex - most important thing in life, the main advantage - sexy, if you want, you can. Whereas previously the idea of penetrating into the people from the lips of the wise men, now in an era of mass communication, people are increasingly communicating with pop stars, who just pryschut excessive sexuality, otherwise they would have fallen from the pop firmament.