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Barrier of negative emotions

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Barrier of negative emotions

Emotions - a subjective human response to external and internal stimuli. They manifest themselves in feelings of pleasure or displeasure, joy and fear, and stress relaxation, etc. Emotions can be divided into positive and negative. Accordingly, a person tends to experience positive emotions and avoid negative ones. There are many theories, the essence of emotion. There's information theory of emotions:

a) the greater the need, the stronger the emotion, her companion, and a feeling of satisfaction after the achievement of goals;

b) when there is no demand, there is no emotion;

a) less likely to satisfy the need, the stronger the resulting negative emotions.
The main reason for the negative emotions are frustration, interpersonal conflicts, stress. Barrier negative emotions that affect the outcome of communication can be divided into several barriers. This barrier of communication that occurs on the basis of suffering or even grief. Here and tragic events, disappointments and failure in an important matter, and dissatisfaction with their situation, the discontent of personal status, and painful physical and nervous feeling. This barrier may occur in response to events, and in anticipation of them. Communication barrier created by the negative emotions of this type causes a distorted view of reality and incorrect estimates. Very often this is expressed in aggressive or in an effort to avoid contact at all, to withdraw into solitude. Inattention to the negative emotions of this kind cause annoyance and even more experience, and attention, participation and comfort are often provokes only irritation. Rational way of behavior, suitable for all, not here.

It is hard to overcome the barrier of communication, cause severe irritation and anger. These emotions are usually born in response to the unexpected (formal or annoying) the obstacles to meeting the varying needs. They may be a consequence of deprivation of pleasure, humiliation, coercion, inducement to commit an undesirable act. In dealing motivated anger, passion, emotional potential, energy and courage, determination, people can multiply increase. However, in this case, it is usually denied sober calculation, foresight and flexibility. He is prone to harsh words and violent actions. Partner, perechaschy him becomes a kind of "lightning rod", which pours all the rage. Business communication with a disgruntled or angry person is not possible, you should not "pour oil on the fire" to create conditions on which all later be regretted.

Output from such a dialogue - not a demonstration of weakness, but rather the courage and even generosity. Business-like can and must communicate only with the person who owns their emotions. And to some extent even immoral to exploit the situation in which emotions are owned rival. Among the barriers of negative emotions should also include the barriers of fear, shame and guilt. All these complexes are negative emotions are bad to change the subject. Subjectively their personal coloring can be fed stereotypes of behavior, education, attitudes, motives, and also features pathopsychology individuals. In the latter case, the carriers of these qualities should be more facilities psychiatrist and psychotherapist, rather than subjects of business communication.

Barriers speech

Emotional state significantly affects his speech. Excitement can cause a spasm of speech muscles. Arousal and excitement may induce tongue-tied man to the bright, passionate speech, and can conversely, contribute to the crumpled, fragmented monologue. The more a person has mastered the skills of communication and public speaking, the better he controls his emotions. In other cases, the lack of logical reasoning contributes to the emotional coloration of speech. In any case, there are known techniques that allow to cope with anxiety.

To overcome the "restraint" is generally recommended to auditory training. Want to relax, escape, take deep breaths, do a few movements of hands, shoulders, massaging his forehead, the mouth, chewing muscles, the neck. For a more complete relaxation possible, closing his eyes to recall some nice car, "Tina, internally comment on it or even find myself. This, of course, is not to eliminate emotions altogether. Without the necessary emotional recovery is a good question is altogether impossible. You simply want to eliminate excessive nervousness. When in business communication situations arise misunderstanding, then 90% of them are not related to the fact that you misunderstood (not able to understand or do not want to do this), but that did not clearly, consistently and convincingly present their views. The fewer people owned their emotions, the more he is in communion creates confusion, conflict, the more he finds himself in absurd situations.

Barriers installed

Position of a man in communion predetermines his entire life experience. Often, even without starting the conversation, the person is convinced of the wrongfulness of his companion. Such talk can not be called constructive. It is based on setting, ie formed in a human evaluation, stereotype, a willingness to specific action, negative reaction, prejudice. Psychologists say that the installation of every person. It is natural that unnecessarily create mobile units to communicate the impression that a person generally do not own opinions, and too resistant installation saying that its own principles (which are not under any circumstances be enrolled), this companion expensive of all reality.

Barrier of first impressions

Communication leads to new contacts. And we often do not realize that our relationships with them were largely predetermined by the first impression. This is also an emotional barrier. And although they say that first impressions often closer to the truth, however, it is undirected, blurry and often simply wrong. The interviewee perceived superficially drawn up in clichéd image, which, studies show that psychologists, often endowed with those negative qualities, which intuitively do not like ourselves in currently. "Judge not, that ye be not judged ..." - as told in the Gospel, and in this absolute truth. Before you judge, you should look, listen, evaluate ... Clothes man speaks of cleanliness and neatness, taste and culture, rather, about the extent of congenital and acquired skills. Consequently, the first impression about a person can pretty much say. And this impression is completely justified and motivated formed attitude to the interlocutor. But we should remember that all the characterological and physiognomic qualities absolutely nothing to say about the issue that you intend to discuss with this person. And if a negative first impression on all of these characteristics carried over to the subject of debate, thus forming a barrier of first impressions.
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