Barriers to riches
The first barrier to financial security is an unconscious order yourself all sorts of trouble. Very popular among the masses of the population means of such an order is fear. Fears, as you already know, have a great positive sense. In many cases, they protect us from future possible trouble, forcing us to perform some action for our own good. But this is, unfortunately, not always. No less often paralyzing fear of man, makes him no reason to get nervous or feel neradostnyh many other experiences. As a result, the person gives the environment a lot of thoughts and emotions, which is written, what trouble he expects for himself in the future. Life (represented by low egregores) picks up these "wishes" and tries to make sure that they are implemented.
All these considerations are fully applicable to the sphere of material security. On the one hand, fear makes us worry about the future, to acquire a profession, to make savings, and so on, but it is also the source of many troubles that we unconsciously create our own my own thoughts. Remember how often you attend thoughts such as: "All the same, nothing happens! All useless! I'm better for it not to take! It's not for me! I can not manage it! I will not get there! I still cheated! I get fired! I do not know where to get the money. I can not find a job (to buy housing, develop a business) "and the like. And they usually do not come alone, a large flock of swarming, and represent a powerful message of life that you have something not work and that you are sure to be deceived. As a result, all that happens.
Life always strives to fulfill our wishes, no matter how strange they may be. Therefore, we ourselves are building barriers to riches . You can easily order your unemployment, poverty, dismissal, unpaid wages or non-return of debt, deception on the part of partners and many other troubles. It's that simple. We need only long enough to relish thinking about it, that is, afraid of it. If you do not keep these fears in mind, in order to achieve these results will need to make much more effort. Of course, if you for some reason this is necessary. To learn how you can make friends with their fears, we've been told before. do so they leave you and then you stop ordering trouble.
Unconscious benefit
The next barrier to material well-being may consist in the fact that you declare out loud that you need money (work, title, business). And in fact you want a completely different, so the stated goal is not achieved. How can this happen? Very simple. For example, a man complains that he can not increase their revenues. And ways to increase revenue it is more or less clear (another post, another place of work, increasing the size of your business), but did not get to implement them. Why? One answer is obvious - after the implementation of an order you have a lot of uncomfortable situations where you do not have today. For example, what might happen if you suddenly tighten and increase their profits? It turns out, may happen next.
1.Vam become jealous are your friends or girlfriend.
2.Vam have to spend more time at work.
3.U you will have less time for a child (her husband, relatives).
4.Vam have to start communicating with other people.
5.U you will have less free time for your favorite business.
6.Vy become attractive to criminals or controlling bodies.
If the increase in income due to the new position (which is usually the case), then you have additional trouble.
7.U you increase accountability for results, and you do not like.
8.Vam have to make many independent decisions, and in fact for them to respond.
9.Vozmozhno, you have to experience a great disappointment because of the fact that you can not cope with new responsibilities or because of the fact that the resulting increase in income does not compensate for troubles have arisen.
For example, a small business owner (selling cosmetics) complains that for several years can increase the firm's revenues. On the question of what benefits it draws from the current situation, after some reflection, he gave the following answer.
01.Ne spend much time at work.
02.Ne doing boring and uninteresting to me is work.
03.Izbegayu possible failures.
04.Ne attract the attention of power structures.
05.Menya no one appreciates, since tired of competing, to someone to prove something.
06.Imeyu privacy and tired of the flow of people.
07.U me calm and the rhythm of work.
08.Mne not jealous colleagues.
09.Imeyu time on personal and family life.
10.Izbegayu problems, which obviously occur in a business expansion.
11.U do not have extra responsibilities.
12.Imeyu time for self-development.
With this set of hidden benefits of a normal person would change something? These are but rarely. Most people unconsciously choose the "bird in the hand, rather than change the current situation with a lot of troubles stemming from this unwarranted and advantages of the goal. So if you have any problems with work or money, we recommend how to think about what benefits you are checking out the current situation. And what kind of trouble you may have, if your goal is realized. Maybe then you will understand the reasons for your failures. And then have to choose between your decision to increase their incomes and the loss of those hidden benefits that you have today. If you do choose to work or earnings (it also happens), then you first need to work out your hidden benefits, ie, organize their thoughts and deeds, so that when the realization of your goals did not appear the discomfort of which you are subconsciously afraid.
What if you discovered that the process of earning money just does not inspire you, and be secured still want to? Only one solution - to change their attitude to money. You want to make money real value, to increase their rank on your system important concepts. Need their love. Need to think more about them. Need to make sure that the thought "How much I get for it?" Was a natural for you, and at the next choice of place of work or when doing your business is you never left. And then you learn how to choose the option that will give you big profits. First, a bit more then just a little more, etc.
If you do not want to change anything in their system of values, it is also an excellent choice. Only then will you understand that you can not claim the same level of material security, what are people for whom money is a very important value. They enjoy life through money, but you get it the same, but in other ways: through good relationships with loved ones, through self-realization through one likes, through the labor process or the process of creating the new. And people with money often do not have these pleasures, they are not accessible to them.