Be natural, always and everywhere
Of course - it's not when you are without makeup, with tangled hair after sleeping in the home T-shirt and stretched trousers. Naturally - this is not affectedness in action, this is not a sham and not a desire to become similar to any star. Of course - it's you, when fully relaxed and happy. " Be natural, always and everywhere. This means that you should be, not seem to be a woman, what you really are.
Of course, when you have a familiarity with knotted liked the man, you are by all means want to make a good impression on him. Need to put your trust in yourself, but do not be too self praise. According to psychologists, narcissistic nature, which always show all that they are much better than anyone, probably just very concerned that, think about them by others. Do not engage in self-promotion: the dating is not worth mentioning several times about what you are talented, shopping, caring, etc. On the positive qualities do not say specifically, they should be manifested in action, and then your partner will understand everything myself.

Believe me, men do not like when women flaunt their superiority. And if you are in doubt about the fact that you were unable to tie a closer relationship with the liked man, perhaps it is time to evaluate yourself and examine why you have not made the impression on that count. Most likely your own habits, weaknesses, behavior does not prevent you to live and work. It is possible that in this case you ever wondered about that sometimes can make a negative impression on others, because you are so skillfully learned to hide their vulnerabilities, that leaving the surface, they are shocked by your most loved one. Do not despair: you always have the opportunity to become better.
Firstly, often focuses on your inner world. Get rid of negative emotions alone, to not suffer from your loved ones. Secondly, remember that the longer you hide your true self, the more unpleasant surprise, it will present you and your loved one. Third, ask your partner to talk openly, when you see yourself using unfair to him, when your behavior or words across the border that he can endure.