Be ready for a change!
To fate could be manipulated, the picture of the world should allow this possibility. Painting the world in general must be flexible, not static, otherwise it will not include an adjustment of fate. Locate and write down the truths are beliefs about the world that you are the same, immutable, self-evident. Make a list of these truths. Respond in writing to the questions:
• How do these beliefs affect your life?
• Do they help you or, conversely, hinder?
• What are your limits?
• Is your worldview flexible, and the estimated life of the script - modifiable?
• What beliefs make your rigid worldview, not potential, not vibrant, not wanting to change?
• Which of these beliefs arose from personal experience, and what you have because it is believed that all?
People with magic abilities, produce environmental management a reality through a flexible perception and magical world view. They believe the world is inherently magical - that is amenable to influence. If he was a constant, then there would be no way to make it any changes. Often the teacher-mage, before you start training his apprentice, manipulates with its perception, making it more flexible and changing its system of beliefs about the world. For this purpose, various ways: from the initiation, initiations, in which a student goes through a series of tests, a strong influence on his consciousness, to the use of hallucinogens.
Since childhood, when we explain that the tree - the tree and nothing else, And - this is only A and B - B exclusively, our picture of the world records and actually stop our universe, fastening its constituent building blocks of cement uniqueness. The tree can be a tree, but here's what to do with beliefs, we talked about earlier, which are unshakable and keep your life script? If you believe that making money can only be stubborn and hard work, while dreaming of getting rich quick, then your expectations of a stable system simply does not allow you to take this opportunity to get rich quick. At the same time, the full acceptance of this possibility makes your life open to such changes.

Many people think that to some events in life can prepare, and if their experience is less painful, will not cause confusion or perplexity. But the secret of lifestyle management is not whether to eat or sleep in store for the year ahead, autom to accept as natural any of their state and any reaction that has arisen as a result of unexpected events. In our therapeutic community is saying about Chicago: "If you're in Chicago, you can not call out of nowhere, except in Chicago." Near Chicago meant any of our emotional state. For example, if you are confused on what happened, it is confusion - this is your resource.
Being in it instead of running away from it, you can out of it "call": can you tell a loved one: "I'm confused, I have no idea what to do next, I was anxious." And then just a friendly sympathy does wonders: you are filled with warmth and power of love someone close, and ideas of what to do next, come yourself. Whereas, if you are "running away" from Chicago, has struggled straining the brain, "what to do next?", Hiding his confusion, not only from others but from yourself you can make a lot of hasty, impulsive actions. Laws experiences sudden event reads:
1.This could not be avoided.
2.Zamedlis, the solution will come. Just staying with what we have, you will notice the solution in the flow of life while running from the experience will not allow you to catch him.
3.Vse that happening to you - correct and valuable. Trust yourself.
Often it turns out that, despite the fact that we want to attack any event, many of them we are not ready. It is ironic, but often we are more willing to negative outcomes than to positive. We envisage the possibility of an accident that can happen to us or our loved ones, the possibility of damage or loss of our property, setbacks and so on. In this case, we are much less so vividly imagine the events of positive, dismissing them as empty fantazerstvo. And even if we dream about them, those dreams look like something unrealizable or vague, such as: "they lived happily" - as happily? at the expense of what? What did they do for this? What is included in this happiness? Tale about it is silent.
Be ready for a change! After the events programmed by us. Forbidding me or not forming a vital space for surprises and unexpected pleasant events, we are depriving their life opportunities of luck, slamming the door wing, designed for her. At the same time, those unpleasant events, which we expected, come true more often because we are already ready for them, our space is already reserved for them. Often, by the end of life, people ask themselves: what, actually, it was good in life, like a past life?
Imagine that you were dead. You buried in your grave a monument with an epitaph. For you to come close to the grave. Imagine this picture as detailed as possible, hear what they say about you. You still have time for a change in your life. At least now you are alive. Begin right now to do what has always set aside for the future. To fate could be manipulated, the picture of the world must assume this possibility. Picture of the world must assume a variety of opportunities, it must be flexible. Those events, which we expected, true far more often, because we're ready for them, our space is already organized for them.