Become a magnet for good luck
Og Mandino said: "You taste the sweetness of success when you realize how important it is to do more than is expected of you - in all respects." The same can be deduced from the theory of quantum leap, which we have already said: for a radical change of life in all respects, including in his career, he always did a little bit more than you can. And than you expect. The most important quality of a successful person - is its uniqueness. It is important to be a valuable, irreplaceable - and then you'll always be in demand and themselves learn how to attract people, talents, and amazing opportunities.
You know what question I often ask people for dating? They ask, who stands behind me, because, in their opinion, to do what I did just two years with a small, self-impossible. I answer that, yes, for me is the greatest strength, which only has - for me is the divine power and truth. And some believe that a person like Natalie Pravdina does not exist, because it's just incredible. Imagine that I exist and live it according to the principles of which I write. Always, every minute, every day. And with great pleasure! Oh, and also: "Work, work and work, comrades!" Often seven days a week, by the way, since there are no fairies weekend. So I know whereof I speak.
Success, creative activity and prosperity go hand in hand with joy and happiness are mutually complementing and reinforcing each other. Where there is joy, there is happiness, but a state of happiness always accelerates the realization of the innermost desires! For example, when I was writing books always listen to the best music in the world with headphones, that is my feelings get emotional makeup. You become interesting to people, and hence for the energy of success when celebrating their uniqueness and carry yourself through life like a jewel. Then, your magnetism is enhanced by providing more and more happy possibilities.
Speaking of magnetism. You want your presence brings joy to people, and for each of your remarks, all fell silent? I think so, because that is what determines the weight and credibility among people like themselves. Invite you to meditation aimed at achieving just such a beautiful state. She is very powerful as well as develop your natural ability. Skillfully use it, you'll be able to attract into your life that at this moment you are most needed, whether it be love, prosperity, health, life success or recognition. So, become a magnet for good luck!

Meditation Inner magnet
Take a comfortable position, if you lie beneath the knee pad. Relax, close your eyes. Your whole body wraps golden light. You're in the middle, where there is security and peace of mind. You are always always reserved this golden light. You breathe - and breathe in the light golden substance that fills your body. When you exhale all the alarms go off, all the disappointments, all the trouble. Inhale - light. Exhale - clarification. Breathe so for some time. Soon you will relax completely.
Imagine that falls from space ray of golden energy. It passes through the higher chakras - sahasrara descends, passing along the spine, and is concentrated in the center of the Tan Tian, ie in the solar plexus. This is the most important center of life energy. Imagine that a golden beam started its nice for you to move in a clockwise direction. You can even try a tickling sensation in this place. Well, then everything works! Work out a little longer with this focus, concentrate it as much energy.
Now imagine that from your solar plexus stands the golden ball. He begins to grow and expand, it becomes more and more. And it applies to those people with whom you communicate, giving them your light energy. If you want to find love, let him cover the one you do not know yet, but it attracts. If you're dreaming of glory, spread light your world on your potential fans, send them his blessing and love. If you need material things - energy ball cover these specific things. Importantly - a sense of peace, security, love, harmony and strength. Anything is possible, when your intentions are pure.
Stay in this state as long as you want, and then gradually go back to my room. Open your eyes, smile, stretch, and know that you have greatly increased their strength, your inner magnetism. This meditation has a great potential and previously was available only for the range selected on. Now it can work for you. Just do, do, do it! None of you will do nothing. Your life is given to you so that you yourself have lived it. Remove the maximum benefit from the ancient and modern knowledge!
When a person radiates joy, fun, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, he shows his full acceptance of this world. Then all he gets is easy, simple, and as if by itself. Therefore, I urge you, my dear friend, and friends, to live with pleasure, enjoying the fact of life! Do not expect that someone will come and make you happy. Happiness is always within you! This, if anything, a special state of mind, and we must consciously develop a habit to be in this state permanently. After all, happiness comes not because of external circumstances, but only under the influence of our assessment of what is happening, our thoughts about ourselves and the world. And if so, then manipulating their thoughts, we can generate ourselves of happiness, regardless of surrounding conditions!