Become masters of their destiny!
Housewives and business women, students and teachers, salesmen and executives, designers and accountants ... We are all united by one thing - we are the Creator! Our whole life is permeated with creativity. Every moment, here and now, we are creating your future, your destiny. And we are always free in his choice: Do we create success or failure, happiness or sadness ... But if we consciously make a choice? Become the masters of their destiny! Let's agree: I am going to ask you a few simple questions and you honestly and sincerely answer them - themselves. Okay? That's fine start!
◊ you please herself?
◊ Do you believe in yourself?
◊ Do you consider yourself a lucky person?
◊ Are you sure you deserve every success in life, what you wish?
If you answered "yes" to all questions, great! But, unfortunately, it does not always happen. Maybe you have caused embarrassment the first question? Indeed, it is difficult to answer specifically: something in itself like something - no ... My dear, why do not you want to take a whole? I remind you that we signed a contract with itself, where committed fully and unconditionally accept yourself! Spirit, who created us, no one blames and condemns - he just loves us for what we have. Your every flaw - it is an unrealized opportunity, the dignity of the unmanifested, the incentive to work on yourself! If you are internally waive some of their qualities, as you close a road to development, fulfillment and success.
Remember: you are the only and unique personality, so there is no other! Take all facets of its unique essence. There is a tremendous spiritual force in its affirmation Sun Light:
I - wonder of the universe! I - Heritage of the world! I - a gift from God!
This assertion is simply necessary for those who for whatever reason, unsure of himself or subjected to ridicule and even contempt from others. Be sure to repeat these magic words and you will feel that inside you there is power, a power rod that will keep you always. When this spirit will become the norm in your life, success in all endeavors - just a matter of time. Proceed to the second question. If you are having doubts, answering him, to ascertain the cause of your hesitation. Tell me, do you really want to be the mistress of his fate? Or you prefer to hide behind all sorts of "compelling" circumstances?
Maybe you think that way can escape responsibility for their own lives? This is fundamentally wrong idea. We are fully responsible not only for their actions, but also for their inaction! Therefore, much more profitable to consciously create your life, your success and happiness than "bury his head in the sand" in search of imaginary security. Remember: when you believe in yourself, you triple it, and when unsure of themselves - are depriving yourself of the primordial forces of nature! Who would believe in you, if you do not believe in yourself? Start with the "programming" yourself in confidence on the strength, of success.
I - live mascot for success!
I dare all, all I can and not afraid of anything!
All, what I touch - blooms and multiplies!
Third question takes us back to rule half full or half-empty glass. How would you treat this or that each of us is equally considered to be a favorite of fate, and a loser. It all depends on perspective. If a person chooses the position of the victim, he is always and in any situation will see the "half-empty glass." Every happy moment can poison of regret for past misfortunes! As they say, add a spoonful of honey into a barrel of tar. And vice versa: the position of choosing a winner, a man who always lucky, you can each fail to see a huge potential for success! Remember: that wherein the concentrate your mind, inevitably becomes your reality!
I am always lucky!
I - a favorite of the gods, and Khan, good luck!
Finally, the fourth question. If you consider yourself to be unworthy of success, prosperity, love, you just do not allow yourself to be happy. Such tight restrictions often come from childhood. But do not rush to blame the parents in their own failed life. It is too easy - for someone to blame! It is better to forgive them, forgive yourself and begin anew in the countdown to his fate. Every day before you opens the opportunity to be reborn to new life each day gracious universe gives you the opportunity to start all over again! Divine Spirit has given you life - so he thinks you are worthy of the wealth of our world. So trust him and open his unconditional love and wisdom!
I am grateful for the experience and move on!
I swim in the ocean of divine abundance!
Meditation for making miracles
And now to consolidate the positive results suggest a pleasant exercise - meditation, which helps you reach a new level of conscious creativity of its stellar life. So, tune in as it should, because after this meditation, sometimes real miracles occur! I wish you to be in this great state ever!
Turn off the phone for 20 minutes, take a comfortable position, relax completely. Take a few deep breaths. Imagine that with every breath you inhale a light - golden, happy, light, crystal clear light. You are filled with light, and then - "hop" takes off like a balloon that is released into the sky, and point upwards, upwards, higher and higher. This feeling is similar to when you emerges from the bottom up, up, to light. Aspiration - that is important! It may seem that you have wings behind the back - so it is! You transform, into a beautiful bird, bird of happiness. With each passing moment, the light becomes brighter, you constantly raise the level of vibration, you feel that you leave your old life, bore you, far below. All dark and heavy just gone, it is incompatible with your new guise bright, colorful birds. You fly and soak wonderful, loving you light all of its cells. His whole being.
You and the light are so close that gradually merged together. You look at his hands, wings and see that they shine and shimmer like a rainbow, like a crystal in the sun. Bliss, absolute, pure and pristine happiness. And, of course, love. Hugs you, envelops, fills the infinite, unconditional love, as my mother in childhood. You always loved the power that created you. This is so. Now you're just going through it. You let this amazing power of love to enter you. It happens easily. Now think about the event, things or person to whom you let into your life. Say to yourself: "I let (the beautiful love, luck, the post of Director, Mercedes, money, etc.) into my life." It also happens easily.
Think of something that you recently received or purchased, and try again experience the feeling of joy that experienced when taking what you need. It's easy. The time has come just as easy to resolve to an event about which you dream, come into your life. Once again, let him come into your life, experiencing the feelings that accompanied your recent purchase. This too will be easy. Filled with the feeling of lightness and light. Let such a state will be your constant companion. Tell yourself that your vibration increased significantly and attained a remarkable ability to attract into your life everything that you need. Everything about what you just think, soon becoming a reality. You are surrounded by a radiant halo of light and love, which from now on always with you, wherever you are. This halo of light and love is perceived by people as your charisma, charm and power. From now on, you know the power of his bright mind to create all that you need in this life!
Your star path to success
◊ I believe in myself and strengthen this faith affirmations and constant positive attitude. I know I can change my life for the better, and then the best way to work on yourself.
◊ Now I create my own world, and so I can relax and get all of what I dream. Quietly. Easily. Worthy. Joyfully. Gratefully.