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Behavior of teachers in the troubled class

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Behavior of teachers in the troubled class

Awareness of its own pedagogic principles has helped many teachers to get rid of the naive belief in the existence of better teaching methods. They are looking for salvation in didactics (teaching art), and when faced with problems of hope for the opportunity to overcome them with the help of some more advanced teaching methods, the trick. The behavior of the teachers in the troubled class focuses on technical issues, it seems that the success or failure of the entire training and completely dependent on the correct choice of the method: it must be a technique which allows for a novel class!

Such belief is based on the concept of class as something unchanging. Abstraction is taken for reality, and teaching related to fiction, very far from reality. However, it suffices to compare the different classes with each other, to a belief in the existence of immutable class vanished like smoke. Teacher whenever dealing with a very special, unlike any other group of students: classes often do not have anything in common. The success of teaching depends thus on the ability of teachers to properly assess specific mental storehouse of children. What are the qualities inherent in this class: introvert, dynamism, passivity, demanding? What is their profile?

 In zhiznimy are dealing with a single and unique class, the class as an abstract concept does not exist. Thus, without a specific class in question, all the talk about the desirability of a particular method of instruction make little sense - what's good for one class, is completely unacceptable for another. Approach to learning should always relate to the specifics of this particular group: if one class of students in need of an autocratic style of teaching with which teachers can serve as a guide to them included in the community, for students of another class of optimal "workshop".
The task of the teacher - to determine what teaching style is best suited for given it a class, and adjust the style to its characteristics, modify it according to their abilities and preferences. For teachers, whose professional path has just begun, this process will take time. Unfortunately, the knowledge obtained in the teacher training colleges, as a rule, are an expression of any one pedagogical principle is given in line with any one teacher's credo, a commitment to that - a distinctive feature of future teachers through training.

Attention given by the differences in the specifics of the classes or groups of students, rarely corresponds to the importance of the issue. Came to practice, young teachers often fail. The reason for this - their tough pre-programmed on the principle and the lack of study of the psychological profile of the class. The first two weeks the teacher must devote to clarify this issue, to delay the start of the implementation of the already finished the program. To put the class psychological diagnosis, the teacher did not want to podkovannost in the subject, and acute powers of observation, the ability to notice complexes, internal resources, the negative (shadow) side, and especially temperament (so-called "potentials"), characteristic of the group entrusted to his care.

Our investigation showed that the inability to find an approach to a class is often only at first sight is a problem. Contrary to the feeling of teachers that they are exhausted, in fact, they entrust to a difficult class only after they released three successful class. They decide that anything more is not capable of, not realizing that teaching a new class is more difficult than in the previous year, due entirely objective reasons. Go to the negative side (its shadow) of the teaching profession certainly applies need to deal with reproaches by the students. In the course of the class members of the team help to listen to criticism in his address.

Even before the talks with the head teacher of the expert group, the parties agree to conduct a conversation in dialogue form. The head of the expert group acts as devil's advocate: the mask of Mephistopheles allows him to deliberately focus on the shadow side, the unpleasant aspects and try to remove the taboos in order to enhance teachers' immunity by detecting his weaknesses. This is not about to "finish it completely, or inclined to be pessimistic, but the de-excitation forbidden themes, which the teacher avoids the touch. So, what conclusions can be made available to decide for himself a teacher. The head of the expert group considers their ideas and their criticism is not as absolute truth, but as the impetus for the work of teachers. Does he want to continue to learn from all this, the appropriate conclusions with regard to its educational activities and what they will - depends on himself.

A preliminary explanation of the specific forms of cooperation and a clear agreement on the rules of conduct of participants facilitates teacher perceptions of criticism and understanding of this criticism as an incentive to rethink their teaching style. The duration of the interviews with the teacher may be different. Typically, it takes three to four sessions. It is recommended to conduct such interviews in some neutral place. In most cases, this may be the office of school psychologist or counselor education and guidance throughout the action.
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