Believe in its dream
Dream - it's wonderful! A building with her boyfriend general plans for the future to the same and very helpful! Of course, if you do it correctly ... Probably the most pleasant thing in the world of work to share with each other their dreams and future plans. But the most thankless, harmful and pointless endeavor to try to reshape it in their imagination-measure. For example, he tells you that wants to start their own business related to trade beer, buy a house in a suburb of Munich and ride at a respectable Mercedes.
On his side is a manifestation of trust and love. It is unlikely that a man will talk about their innermost desires "just to support the theme." Surely he says this, because a secret dream to share a life with you. The worst thing you can do - is to hook into his fantasy of a happy future with her editing. "No, dear, it's better after a couple of years you will not ride on the Mersey," and on "BMW", and build a business better than beer trade, and the realization of an elite perfumes. A live in a suburb of Munich - is generally a black dog! It is better to stay in New York. "
Do you think you should describe what the future must wait for the man of your dreams, as he will rush to implement it? Do you think that after such words will assess whether it your "great ideas" to improve its plans for the future? No! If you start to dictate to him about the dream, then quickly lose its credibility and respect. The maximum that you can do - is to share their dreams: "And here I am, on the contrary, always wanted to live in a big city."

In fact, life itself often edit our dreams, and therefore should not interfere in this process. For example, he wants to buy a Ferrari. You object: "Ferrari" - very low car, keep it very expensive, to give her no proedesh, gasoline spent a lot of money. Why? But he stubbornly continues to want a Ferrari. " Believe in its dream . Suppose he finds the right amount and buy this car. And then in a flash, in practice, it appears that the beautiful and expensive car is absolutely not suited to his familiar life. Thus, he gets rid of the stupid, empty dreams and come to your point of view. Easily and without conflict. Well, if you want with your favorite diametrically opposed things at first thought, is it worth to spend time tinkering with each other and quarrel?