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Believe in yourself and succeed!

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Believe in yourself and succeed!

Sometimes young girls before and hesitate to lose that to start something at random babble, stammer, stumble, or on the contrary, all the way to silent, stand stock-still, and dare not raise his eyes to his companion. It happens that the sight distance of his friend, the girl can not dare to approach him. The impression is that it behaves that way because of something to blame towards his companion, or something worse than his excessive modesty, shyness does no one decorate and create problems in communication, straining both. Know - decisiveness and courage needed to girls. Gone are the days when the shyness and modesty of this indicator was a girl. Believe in yourself and succeed!
Show your beautiful eyes, look straight at his companion, and you definitely will attract attention, but the shy girl with a guilty-apologetic glance he does not like it. Regardless of whether a man or woman in front of you, but everyone wants to see next to a confident, self-sufficient person, and then - a smart, beautiful. Courage and pride are different, and if you know exactly what is not self-confident and not arrogant, you can safely look into the eyes, do not drop your head, do not hide and doubt. Know and remember that being shy is just as bad as to be arrogant.

Do not be afraid of errors - they happen at all, especially in a state of excitement. Do not confuse the situation themselves, not stalemate: clear, open communication will help to clarify the situation, to facilitate understanding. The man next to you, too, starts to be lost, and thinks that something you hurt or offended. Any beauty and charm will hide and distort the shyness and boldness and confidence of her, in contrast, reveal or even increase. It would be foolish and unprofitable to continue to hide his eyes and lowered his head. In order not to lose at the meeting, think in advance how to say good about what you want to ask what to answer. Scroll through your conversation in your head several times, until you remember it. Do not be afraid to be in an emergency situation, just know that this can happen to you, the main thing - do not hurry, do not panic.

Remember that very important first few minutes of meeting, and if you step out from behind a corner and stay with downcast eyes, you can take all further action in vain. Rehearse walk, put a voice and so on, and remember, finally, why they came and that we should not stop halfway. Think about his fate that miss the chance to meet his love. Think about what will come if you both will lose, embarrassed ... I do not think that you alone are worried and experiencing. Your companion may simply not show the form that excited. Recall that in the end, you're not in front of the TV camera, and before the same person, just like you. Remind yourself that you are not standing at the blackboard in front of a strict teacher, but are in a more relaxed atmosphere. And, of course, that if you have something did not work this time, be sure to get to the next. And can get and so that what you think failed, others would be quite acceptable. Be the only decisive, confident, at ease with itself.
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