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Better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick

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Better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick

Have you noticed that sometimes wishes come true without any effort? Certainly paid, but did not attach any importance to this.

And in vain, says Shakti Hawaii. There is certain regularity, which, if we use the experience of Eastern philosophy of failure of Western scientific thought, is displayed on the level of the law You're probably familiar with the theory that everything in the universe, ranging from electromagnetic waves and ending with cobblestones, lying on the road, has one energy nature. That is, everything in the universe consists of clusters of energy that can manifest itself-Gut in various forms. This means that thought as directed bundle of energy can affect everything that happens in this world. That is thought to create.

Shakti is confident that, using the power of imagination, you can not only get excellent health, and certain qualities of character, but also to attract the necessary situation, for example, to find friends or to get money.
Of course, you say that often dreamed of something, but dreams come true is not always the case. But note that the dream of you often in the form: "But if I had ..." or "But if I were ...," Dreaming, and deep down do not have believed that your dream can come true. To make dreams come true, you must be confident that they will come true and to adhere to certain rules of visualization.

Our life is in our perception is like three levels: the existence, creation and possession. The first level - being - most clearly, we feel in meditation, allowing yourself to realize here and now. The second level-creation, that is, movement and activity, which is based on the creative nature of energy that permeates all living things and is the source of life. Finally possession, that is your connection with people and things that exist in this world. This ability to tolerate and accept people and veshi in their lives, interact with them and not feel cramped. All these three levels do not conflict with each other and exist in harmony. Usually people try to have more things or money to do what they want to be happier. But in reality it operates in reverse order. You must first be who you really are, then do what you want to do to have what you want to have.

So now you have to imagine that you have someone who want to be. What do you already happy with what you already like what you already are healthy, already rich, that you already enjoy your work. No deception in this, since the form always follows thought about it. After you initially think it would be nice to cook breakfast, and then cook it. Thought is like a drawing. It creates an image of the form, which attracts and directs the physical energy that fills the shape of the thus created at first only in the imagination of the form is implemented on a physical level. For example, the Shakti of Hawaii says that she once during the week imagined a check for one hundred thousand dollars. In detail. She represented that the check is on the table in a room of her house. After a while she got the contract just for this amount,

How to deal with the same visualization?

Visualization session should begin with a relaxation or meditation, even simple .. First of all you need to sit down and good posture or lie down and relax your muscles (very convenient for visualization at bedtime or upon awakening)> Then try to stop the internal dialogue, constantly sounding in your mind, liberate the mind from thoughts. It is very difficult, but necessary condition. Further defined the goal of visualization. To do this you need to decide what you need now in my life * is determined, consider whether it is really for you. If so, you can start rendering. Visualization can be practiced anywhere, using any spare moment, and in transport, work, etc. The more the better. If you want to get some sort of thing you need to present it in detail, to imagine what it already is. At the same cause in the minds of its visual image is not necessarily (for many it is quite difficult). Enough to think about it. Try to feel the joy that gives you this thing. Imagine your friends, expressing admiration for this thing. All the same can be done if the purpose of visualization is not a thing but, for example, any ability, qualities of character, people with whom you would like to learn or improve relations, the situation in which you want to be.

Pay attention to one point. If imaging is inconclusive for a long time, that is, your desires are not realized, then it may mean that over time your selected target is no longer for you to truly important.

Get the same can be rendered only aspires to be not only at the level of consciousness, but also deep in the subconscious. (The focus here is about the same as in "Roadside Picnic" Strugatsky, I think. Remember, one of the stalkers would ask her son's health zone, and got a bag of money. Because in reality it is like money.) Sincere desire - the first important element necessary for a successful practical application of visualization. The second element - the belief that this goal can be achieved. And finally the third - the willingness to accept what you wish for.

Another reason that your desire may not be realized or not realized as quickly as you would wish, may lie in the fact that most of us need to be addressed over the years developed blocks negative thoughts. This can be done by a process which has been termed a positive result.

Affirmations taken to complete the rendering process, it is as if painted in the imagination fixes now, more so that she can get enough distinct. For example, if you visualize a new and interesting work, in a statement one can confirm the presence of this work: "I like my new job." If you imagine new character qualities such as wit, can end the session the following statement: "My wit brings joy to my friends." Uttering these statements as if we lay in our body program that will create our future. Thus, we shall also be exempt from those thoughts that are old, once acquired, "programs", but which nonetheless continue to influence what is happening to us now.

Here are some examples of positive statements:

I am the master of his life.

I have everything I need.

I love and accept myself as I am.

My relationship with ...... every day gets better.

The more I have, the more I can give to others. I am healthy and happy.

The light inside of me does miracles in my life. And so on.

When dealing with allegations remember the following rules:

1. Approval must be positive. In other words, if your goal - to start getting up early in the morning, you should not say "I do not sleep in the mornings for a long time." Better to say: "I wake up at sunrise."

2. What statement is shorter, the better it

3. Try to make the statement sounded natural.

Sometimes even well-written statement causes the internal resistance - thus the ego resists internal growth. This can be overcome.

4. Using assertions always try to create something new. Do not attempt to alter or change something that already exists in reality, as it will cause conflict and struggle. (Here one might ask: What about, for example, to correct existing bad relationships, for example, with the relatives? Indeed, if you inspire me: "My idea of raising a child find a full understanding on the part of Tiffany's," although in reality it is far not the case, Baz will not work. Try to first visualize some new positive aspects of your relationship. For example: "My mother-in-law read a book on unconventional methods of raising children." Gradually, it will reach mutual understanding.)

5. When you use statements try to convince ourselves that what is approved - the truth, "Throw away doubts and hesitations.

Very effective, says Shakti, are often statements, which refer to God, Christ, Buddha or other great teachers

Assertions can be used without rendering process you can speak or just to remember those or other statements throughout the day. The only condition: statements do not need to repeat mechanically. You should invest in them the meaning that corresponds to these allegations, and, if possible, to seek appropriate sensations. That is, if on the way to work, you say to yourself: "I love my job, you should be happy in the knowledge that you oldyadaet ~ v6sem happy hours, and remember: you took many years to create for themselves a world where you live now, therefore, on what to change it, take some time. Be patient. But do not despair - five minutes of conscious visualization can sometimes get rid of negative blocks, the accumulated drive several hours, days or even years.

This, incidentally, one of the reasons that the visualization of great help in healing.

Health, says Shakti, depends on how it assesses consciousness. People get sick because they are often deep in the mind believe that the disease - an inevitable reaction to certain situations If you believe that a dip in the hole or, say, get your feet wet, you get sick, you're sure to get sick, "To be healthy, you must believe that such trifles are not afraid and that you are completely healthy. Your mind is affected not only their own health but the health of those people about whom you think * you can love his ailing grandmother, living in another city, and wish her a long letter years of life. But if in doing so you agree with the concept of ill health, then you are supporting her state of illness. Surprisingly,

that in order to positively affect the health of another person, sometimes it is enough simply to change their own assessment of the health of another person and create in ourselves the belief that he is healthy. And he did not need to know about your handling of your consciousness. In it's pretty hard to believe, especially for people brought up on the respect for rational science and rational thinking. Even harder to believe in it, "says Shakti, learn how to use the principles of visualization in practice: to change their minds is extremely difficult.

But even if you're ready for these difficulties (not insurmountable), you may be questioned: whether to engage in visualization?

Such doubts may arise from you because you are, for example, believe that life is hard and full of anguish and tears, that is immoral and selfish to have all in abundance when others are in need. And that, finally, more honest, so to speak, the spiritual to be poor ... With such views are not worth not only deal with visualization (you just do not get anywhere), but also to live (life would be intolerable). With such views must quickly give up yet because they are fundamentally wrong in the universe just enough at all. And, doing visualization, you have nothing, no one defraud, but just gets bigger and thus more can give to others. Visualization can be used to harm others. A simple example. If, wanting to get a promotion, you will represent that the person occupying the position to which you are applying for, dismissed, nothing happens. You'll have to imagine that he went to another, better place. Therefore, each session visualization Shakti Hawaii recommends that ends with the following statement: what I get now that improve not only my life, but life around me. Doubts about the effectiveness, or at least an acceptable rendering can occur and the adherents of Eastern philosophy. However, the conflict between the Buddhist idea of "being here and now, liberation from attachments and desires, as a result of disinterest and the idea of setting goals and creating what you need in your life, is apparent. The fact that successful visualization you must first learn to disinterest. You need to relax, to try to stop climbing and * over backwards to stop manipulating things and people <in order to obtain what you need. In short, they must stop acting and to try some time just to be. And then you suddenly find that they have these vessels and the world around us is not so bad and not worth spending a lot of effort trying but no matter what has to change himself and his. And this is precisely the feeling of being here and now. Starting to experience it more often, you begin to realize that you have already started to build your life, and feel the need to create new experiences, beneficial not only for you but for others. Many of the things that seemed important before you cease to worry you. You will need to direct the energy to achieve more lofty goals that will be important to you at any time of life. You'll find that life initially good and beautiful and allows no shortage of anything. And that the possession of the fact that you need without a struggle and stress is part of the rights given to you from birth, and the function of life. You will understand that in order to have, you should not take away from the other (and us it for a long time accustomed to it), but to create itself and even to give to others. And so from this point on the power of creative visualization will manifest itself in full.

And now we give some examples of meditation and statements:

Meditation on self-healing

Sit comfortably and try to relax your body, starting from the toes to the muscles of the face. Feel the tension leave.

Imagine golden healing energy flow around your body ... Feel it ... enjoy it.

If any part of your body hurt, ask if she had a message for me to ask you, is there something that you have to understand, or do right now, or in life in general.

If you receive an answer, try to understand it and do what is necessary. If the answer is no, continue the process.

Send healing energy of love on the part of your body that needs it, and try to see and feel how it heals.

Imagine what the problem is solved and the energy is no longer needed you. Then imagine yourself fit and healthy in different situations.


I was free from the stereotypes of the disease.

I love my body and it responds the same to me.

I feel deep inner peace.

I love myself and therefore my relations with others based on love.

I am open to creative energies.

Creative ideas and inspiration come to me every day.

I build the life according to his desires.

These are just some examples that are not necessarily copied. Can you think of his meditation and its positive affirmations that resonate your inner world. Remember that the visualization process - a creative process.

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