Birch white with the evil eye, damage
When the evil eye wash patient decoction of birch leaves. Fumigate dry birch leaves people with all types of spoilage. The smell of birch leaves is useful to victims of witchcraft, so dry birch leaves lay on the pillow.
• Birch leaves are used for skin ulcers and psoriasis.
• A strong decoction of the leaves with the addition of flowers of elderberry black heals dropsy of cardiac and renal origin.
• birch charcoal is used in cases of poisoning with heavy metal salts.
• Birch tar take in cancer: dripping on white bread, washed down with warm milk (from one to twenty drops).
• When trophic ulcers 1kg birch ash pour boiling water 10l. Persist for several hours, wrapped, make compresses.
• In tubs of birch leaves treat rickets in children.
• Milk from tar helps small-pox in children (give as many drops, how old the child).
• When a splinter mix equal parts of coal tar with melted wax and put on the sore spot.
• When fractures sore spots rubbed tincture of birch buds. The same infusion is used in skin cancer.
• If sweating feet at night and do the warm foot bath in the decoction of birch leaves.
• Tar on the milk used in lung cancer.
• Animals suffering from distemper, watered beet kvass with the addition of tar.
• birch leaves obkladyvayut persons suffering from dropsy.
• Ground birch leaves is applied to the ringworm and itchy sypyam.
• On wet lichens bunch of dry leaves burn under the sheet of iron, so that deposited soot. This smear zoster.
• birch tar get rid of the mugs and ulcers on the skin.
• From the rush of blood to the head and in his drunkenness plaster penis with tar.
• In order to rotten meat came from ulcers, it is necessary to sprinkle the crushed bark of the birch.
• When colds, fevers, gastro-intestinal diseases are drinking birch buds, infused vodka.
• If heartburn is taken orally birch charcoal.
• birch leaves is applied to the rotten and purulent ulcers, birch bark pounding and pour into a rotten wound "wild meat" vyest.