Birthstones by month, Birthstones Colors Charts Zodiac

Zodiac Sign- Taurus and Aries
Birthstone- Diamond
Birth Month- April
Diamond is the representative birthstone for the month of April and overlaps the Zodiac signs of Taurus and Aries. The Diamond is a crystal structure that is isometric in shape. Diamonds have a chemical composition of carbon and can appear in the Earth in a variety of colors- pink, purple, blue, red, green, and yellow. Diamonds can even appear as black or as more commonly seen- colorless.

Considered to be one of the most treasured and sought after gems in society, Diamonds are the hardest mineral found in the Earth. Made of pure carbon, Diamonds are formed under ground and endure the earth's extremely high pressure.
The Diamond's popularity is new found, making it the newest birthstone. In fact, it wasn't until the 15th century that it was discovered that Diamonds were perfect for jewelry and fashionable wear.

Zodiac Sign- Gemini and Taurus
Birthstone- Emerald
Birth Month- May
May's birthstone, the Emerald, is similar to the Amethyst stone in that it represents the hexagonal crystal shape. The Emerald has a chemical compound different from many of the other birthstones. Beryl- Silicate of Beryllium and Aluminum (Al2Be3) make up the gemstone known as Emeralds. Emeralds do not vary in colors, just shades of light green to dark.
Emerald is without a doubt the most beautiful and popular green stone of the collective gemstone family. Emerald was commonly believed to have healing powers and could heal different areas of the eyes. The most popular belief is that Emeralds are the cure for vision problems and other eye diseases. Emeralds also have power to strengthen the heart and increase intelligence.
This gem goes back very far historically and can be linked to the Moguls and even Cleopatra. Today, Emeralds are considered to be one of the rarest, if not the rarest gem in the world.
Zodiac Sign- Cancer and Gemini
Birthstone- Pearl
Birth month- June
June's birthstone is much different from the months' birthstones before it. The birthstone for June is the Pearl and its crystal structure is orthorhombic. A Pearl's chemical composition consists of Aragonite platelets that are held together with conch Olin
Pearls are not just white in color. In fact, there are some Pearls that are black with a green or purple colored luster. There are also Pearls that are gray, tan, yellow, brown, and white with pinkish tones.
Prior to the Pearl becoming the birthstone for June, Moonstone was long accepted as the original stone representative for the summer month. Currently, there are three birthstones that may show up on the list for June and they are Moonstone, Pearl, and Alexandrite. The Pearl; however, is the only birthstone that is created by a living organism as opposed to appearing naturally in the surface of the Earth.
When a single piece of grit or sand enters the body of a shellfish, it is officially set up to become a Pearl. As the grit or sand sets inside the shellfish, it becomes coated with several layers of Aragonite. Eventually, the grit or sand takes the appearance of what we know today as a Pearl and the iridescent shell of the shellfish is referred to as Mother of Pearl.
Since a Pearl does not need to be polished and cut, it is the only birthstone that can be made into jewelry as soon as it is found.