Blight - "Boom"
Spoiling "boom" - it's instant damage. It can bring only person who sees and hears the victim. Define it easy. From evil or unkind words eyes you suddenly sore heart, stomach or back, if you are pierced by an arrow. Be aware - it is damaging, and the person who looks at you bad, wish you evil. And although this damage is applied instantly cured of her very hard. I must say that "boom" - almost the most widespread damage. Warlocks are very fond of inducing it, because to remove it safely, so in order not to deprive a person of vitality, it is very difficult. Begin to unscrupulous healers whispering over man spoke, "boom" to shoot, but in reality it with "meat" of the body rips. After this kind of rite and there is no damage, but also the forces left, everything flowed, and fix anything is difficult. That is so evil and its gets.
But I know a way to remove such damage. The main thing is not to hurry. It is necessary to "boom" had grown well into the body. So, how do you feel when talking to any disagreeable acute pain, but did not find such a pain to explain, you know - it's damaging. And shoot it should be so. Wait a week or two to "boom" had grown deeper. Next, begin to fast for five days - not less. Remember the post - not only the restriction in food, but also of purity and good deeds. Every day when you fast, read a prayer to St. Ahil Caves.
Prayer to St. Ahil, deacon Pechersk
O sacred head, reverend father, preblazhenne avvo Ahilo! Do not forget your miserable until the end, but remember we are always among the saints, and supportive prayers to God: Remember your herd, hedgehog himself upasl thou, and do not forget poseschati thy children, pray for us, Holy Father, for your children spiritual deeds, for they boldness to the Heavenly King; not premolchi for us in the Lord and not despise us, faith and love that thought upon thee, remember we are the unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and ceases to praying for us to Christ, God, for the grace given to you byst pray for us. Do not Recall bo cha suscha dead; For though the body and hast reposed on us, but the death is alive sy prebyvaeshi; not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of reproach, and every charm and wiles of the devil of devils, our good shepherd. For though, and the relics of your cancer before our ochima is always visible, but the holy of your soul with angelic host, with bezplotnymi faces, with the heavenly powers, at the throne of the Almighty predstoyaschi, decent fun, leading UBO heavy indeed, and the death of suscha alive, and you pripadaet You pray; molisya about us Almighty God, about the benefits of our souls, and ask us time to repent so forbidding Prade from earth to heaven, from the same bitter ordeal, princes and demons of air from the eternal suffering so get rid of, and the kingdom of heaven we will be the successor with all the righteous, who always pleased our Lord Jesus Christ. He is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Eternal Father, and Holy, and Good and Life-giving of His Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Out of the post must gradually. On the first day of "breaking of" drink a little milk. On the second day can afford cheese and eggs. And only on the third day you can eat meat and fish. But, of course, the end of fasting does not mean that you can get angry and swear. Do not forget about our good deeds.
If after the ceremony you feel completely healthy, then you can stop reading the prayers. If you feel that the pain is still left - read the prayer as long as the damage will not dissolve completely.