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Blight on the apron

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Blight on the apron

One day came for Mary Semyonovna man and told him: "We live with his wife for 23 years, and all these years, my mother hates my wife. She always makes me throw it, although my wife I love, and we have two children - a son and a daughter, how can I leave them? However, recently I started noticing that her mother in a strange effect on me. All she said no - I do not can not do. For two months I lived in it - ran away from home, telling his wife that he was leaving on a business trip. My heart breaks for the family, but her mother as if chained me to her, and I can not escape from this prison. " When Mary asked him to recall Semyonovna - Does not his mother before that something unusual, a man once said: "Yes, indeed, once when I went to visit her, she greeted me at the door, waved at me with her apron and whispered something. Of course, I was surprised, but soon this case somehow itself off from the head. "
Maria Semyonovna explained: his mother's son did a spell on the apron. To remove this damage, you need a day Forty Martyrs of Sebaste give alms to the poor forty and put forty candles in three churches. Then you have to come to him who made you the damage and ask for his forgiveness. As soon as this person will say "farewell", the damage immediately leave. If you are not sure what damage this man did just call all those who might suspect in the impure case, and ask forgiveness from all.
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