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Blood group and day of birth tells about the nature of partner

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Blood group and day of birth tells about the nature of partner

Hematology and psychologists advise testing the temperament of human blood group. Thus , blood group and day of birth tells about the nature of the partner :

The first group of blood - the conqueror.

Apparently, they manage to get everything at once, because of the nature of these - experienced hunters. They do not back down until they reach the goal. Think about sex constantly, but the work for them above the amorous adventures. Do not be with him too good and soft. He does not appreciate an easy victory, a whirlwind romance and passionate sex soon bored him. Only your initiative and imagination, how to diversify your sex life with him, will echo admiration in his soul.

The second group of blood - a sensual romantic.

Such a man - calm, patient, shy, hesitant, Monogamous. For girls it is boring for older women - is curious. Usually a man with the second group of blood - nature is creative, gifted. If you act cunningly, ingeniously, carefully, gradually and very gently, it will soon be able to vit of his rope.
The third group of blood - playboy.

This is the most unreliable type. He easily switches from one time of transmission to another, always looking for a change environment. He does not think sex binding to a serious relationship, but may succumb to the passions and painful mental disorder, torments. Log in trust for him is very difficult. Playboy responsive when a woman shows little attention to them.

The fourth group - a creative seeker.

This is a man-fidget with the penetrative abilities, sociable, very pushy. Too tempting and tireless in sexual fantasies. Seriously in love, finds peace of mind. First you have to deal with frequent change of his mood. Be ready for this - and you can create him a "nice kennel, where he will seek.

Determine what is most characteristic of your man, you can use the date of his birth. To find out what day of the week he was born, use tables.

Locate the first table row with a year of his birth. At the intersection of the row and column with the month of his birth is the figure. Remember it, let's call her "A". Add to it the date of his birth: "A + date of birth = number of" B ". According to this figure, "B" to determine what day of the week he was born, using the second table.

The man, who was born on Monday - a very sensitive, dreamy, sees the world in all varieties, a dreamer, can not live without friends, especially without the women, their tenderness and compassion. His mental anxiety he hides under the mask of outward calm. He worried that there is no woman with whom you can feel something that he is capable.

The man, who was born on Tuesday, has the gift of eloquence, adapted to society's demands and tastes of the medium. Talented seducer who uses unique only to him udayuschimisya techniques. He has a special smile, a sense of humor, ability to take on a life blows. He likes to arrange holidays. Tasks related to home comfort, do not give.

The man, who was born on Wednesday, ambitious, sovestliv, Monogamous. About Love can not speak, but very attentive. Passion finds questionable events. For it is safer and more quiet confidence. Teach him to the diversity in sex and it will be yours.

The man, who was born on Thursday, often enjoys the process of seduction. He was vain, in love, but afraid of losing personal independence. Gray family is afraid of everyday life. Depending on your mood, if it is "warm", and may rebel. Behavior is not without its paradoxes, exaltation. In this case, it should be kept on a short leash.

Male, born on Friday, emotional, capable of transformation, convincing declaration of love. Looking for peace of mind. He is important to be loved, respected, female ward. A faithful husband. It immediately follows tame, to bind.

Male, born on Saturday, reticent man. Loneliness - its credo. He does not trust the opposite sex, which is sensitive, but secretive, ie apparently does not show his emotions. To him must be treated with understanding, individualized treatment.

The man, who was born on Sunday, ambitious and confident. Your woman will not allow anyone to insult and throw himself on her exploits. For him, it would be like a stone wall. He gives the impression of domineering man. The company listens only to himself. Training of this type might be particularly successful, it will be in the field of joint education of children.
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