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Blue Dragon

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Charting With the Blue Dragon in Chinese Astrology

The dragon is featured prominently in much of Chinese mythology and legend. Time and again dragons are used as symbols for strength, virility, power, and even the position of China's emperor. Not surprisingly, Chinese astrology is also laden with dragon imagery, and charting with the blue dragon in Chinese astrology requires meticulous attention to detail, lest the important clues this symbol offers become lost.

The blue dragon is one of the four constellations that make up the night sky over China. Ruling over six of what is termed the 28 mansions, the blue dragon in Chinese astrology is said to control the stars Alpha Virginis in Virgo, Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpius, Libra and Alpha Scorpii in Scorpius. In addition to representing these stars and systems, the blue dragon is also known to symbolize both the east, and also spring.

While the blue dragon rules the stars, it also matches up with seven points of the lunar movement. In Chinese astrology they are known as the horn, neck, room, root, tail, heart, and winnowing basket. Novices beginning their charting work with Chinese astrology symbolism will do well to clear their minds of Western influences, as working with Virgo inevitably causes associations with the zodiac sign as opposed to the constellation. This could have highly detrimental results in that not only the charting will be inaccurate, but the meanings to be gleaned may be skewed by subconsciously being made to fit into the Western zodiac mold.

Those learning new charting techniques incorporating the blue dragon in Chinese astrology should also note that sometimes he is referred to as the blue dragon of the east, the azure dragon, Qing Long, and - when talking about the portion that is synonymous with Alpha Virginis - the eye of the blue dragon. It is a long held belief that when the Alpha Virginis shines brightest, it is an auspicious day for major life decisions and acts.

This is the day to enter into marriage, add to the next generation of offspring, break ground for a new home or business venture, or go on a trip. Woe to the person who plans unwisely and misses the shining eye of the blue dragon! Charting with the blue dragon in Chinese astrology requires a minute sense of timing and astrologers are accustomed to giving very tight schedules which are immediately followed by those seeking out their advice. Adding insult to injury, missing the shining eye by so much as one day may bring about the exact opposite of the hoped for results!

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