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Bodily desires

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Bodily desires

The body is the most indispensable tool, track, happy are we and what we need for happiness, the most basic and most accurate. Bodily desires are the foundation of the pyramid of needs. These include the need to eat and drink, demand for health and safety, physical comfort, sexual needs, as well as everything connected with the material, physical world, with a sense of themselves a living organism. When satisfied with the bodily needs, the most basic, we can move on to the awareness and satisfaction of other needs.

Body - is a house of the soul. Our body is inextricably linked to our psyche, especially the brain and nervous system. In this age of high technology seems to be that consciousness, intelligence - the most important thing we have, but the more the body becomes unimportant, the more worthless come and intellect, memory and attention, and emotional system, the greater stress being psychic. Work with physical needs is often difficult, because the care of the body are usually not included in the terms outlined many of life's problems, which include issues of career, family, self, money, etc. If a child we are not accustomed to the fact that the body must be treated with respect, it may be associated with disadvantage (the need to eat, wash), shame (the need for having a bowel movement and the sexual needs), blame (if we have caused someone harm, rather or involuntarily).

 The body can be annoying, as susceptible to disease. But most importantly - the body because almost uncontrollably! Try and poupravlyat his appetite, if before you tasty / tasteless dish, or antipathy, when already cheekbones driving, or alarm when the body is covered tremor or sexual arousal. And the body is subject to aging and dying, and with that we also can do nothing. In general, the sheer frustration. Keep off it, mind you! Respond in writing to the following questions by writing only the answers:
1.What is the body:

-Strange mechanism, the device which I have not figured out until the end;

-Error of nature;

-Body - it's me, what else!

-Physical and biological cover, through which I can exist on planet Earth;

Super-delicious invention of the mind that can do so many amazing things, among which, for example, sex;

-Descent of spirit into matter.

2.What do you know about the body:

Is its need to protect and care for it;

-Body is meant to use it to its fullest, that is, drink, walk and have fun;

-Body is subject to all kinds of diseases and injuries;

-We are the body and its capabilities generally know almost nothing;

-Body - the biggest traitor, turned on and off exactly when it requested to do so.

3.Chto you know about your body:

-In my childhood I suffered from such diseases - ...

-My body has its own characteristics - ...

The normal weight of my body - ...

Type of activity that is suitable to my body - ...

-Second breath, I was called after - ...

-My body prefers - ...

-My body can not tolerate - ...

Summarize. How much do you know about your body? What is your attitude to the body: rather positive or rather negative? Why? Tell your body mentally to him about his respect. Listen to his reaction. The reaction can be elusive if there is little you come in contact with your body. Pay attention to the tension of the body, on his impulses - all this is a response to your words. Not everyone knows what the body is one of our main resources. And even more so that the body - one of the components of self-confidence!

This is due to the fact that the body - this is our main material support, the roots that keep us here. Without feeling the soil under our feet, we're losing a landmark in space, we lose direction. Body - the chief mediator and the main link between us and the earth. Thanks to him we are grounded and rooted. Through the body we encounter with nature, where children are, but from which it is often cut off as adopted children of urbanization. It is very important - keep in touch with nature, have the opportunity to visit the outdoors, because we - the living, because we - part of nature. When we find ourselves in a long time separated from her locked in a stone jungle, we lose a sense of roots, loses its stability. Often, our roots can not penetrate the thickness of asphalt, but our eyes do not see the stars at night through the city smog. Urban residents more often subject to various psychological problems - stress, depression, dystonia, - the villagers. This suggests that we need a connection with nature.

The body is the source of perception, sensations and feelings that give us accurate information about what happens to us, around us, how dangerous or safe, pleasant or unpleasant as that with which we live. And based on this information, we make decisions that we take in his life, but from what give that to us is useful and what - poisonous.

Being determines consciousness profitable for us.

The body is always fair, as opposed to mind, who can speak against the voice of the heart. If you disliked the source, you can convince yourself as much as necessary to him in his emotional disposition, but your body will prompt you that it is not, for example, you can see how your fists clenched, arms crossed, as you unconsciously adopted position looking toward the front door. In this sense, the body may seek advice and be sure that it does not lie. Think of a dilemma in front of you choice or just a difficult situation. What this situation there are ways to resolve the outputs, the direction of action? Imagine, first one way to specify it as a form of thought or a picture and listen to how the body reacts to your choice. Now do the same with a second area of choice. How it reacts your body?

A woman with this exercise, decided for themselves what the man she preferred. At first she imagined life with one thing: her body protested fiercely, sank, having the urge to vomit. Then imagine living with another: stress released, the body was filled with ease and energy. Before she did this exercise, she could not choose, and it was quite clear that one option as preferable to others. Through symptoms and disease, unconscious movements through the body to knock us messages of our subconscious, our spirituality, our Ya Through the symptoms and illnesses body communicates to us very important information about us, about the life of the organism.

In the process-oriented psychotherapy is that the illness of the body - it is a dream. Disease as well as sleep, speaking in symbolic form - as a symptom of the image. Any pain is usually associated with a metaphorical figure. For example, pain in the head may be associated with the hammer, methodically beating on the head, or volcano, which is about to explode, or kettle, which boils so that the "steam goes out of his ears." Any illness, just like a dream, contains encrypted information about us, which is not always clear and easy to read.

Any symptom, any illness - it is always our friend, ally. It always lies to us important information. Even if the disease is the essence of our inner critic, a nasty, aggressive figure, we can still benefit from it. For example, the figure of evil monsters can teach us to be tougher and more specific or to teach us to stand up for themselves and defend their interests. Read and understood symptom of play, thus, their role and go out of your life. Attention to the body defines attention to material things, quality and quantity of well-being in our lives. This is because if we do not love your body and do not pay attention to him, do not take care of itself, bad we recognize that suits us, and that - no. So, we can work more than capable to make, we can have more than needed by the body, or is there not something that is useful, can enter into relationships that hurt us, we can not in time to see a doctor for help or support. Inattention and lack of love to the body create problems in the sexual sphere. And vice versa.
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