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Body language and facial expressions

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Body language and facial expressions

Nonverbal communication - a communication directly from the subconscious reactions, reflexes and signals that we share in the communication process. Inconsistency sense conversation feelings that we experience troubling us and provokes aggression and closure. If your interlocutor is intuitively felt ill, said insincerity or indifference, then the conversation and relationships are lost. And if you feel something negative, it entices you to dissent, or even aggression. And then the process evolves in a spiral, until you realize the simple truth - a real kindness, that which is inside of you - works, and awakens a good attitude toward you. Think about it - it's a miracle, it's real. Kindness begets kindness. The language of gestures and facial expressions will help you explore yourself, those with whom you communicate, teach to produce a positive type of relationship.

Meet, as they say, on clothes. However, in dealing with a stranger the most attention we pay all the same his face. Even if not physiognomists, we can fairly confidently determine what kind of mood is we are interested in people. But on our conclusions will not be so confident. Or at least, self-confident. So how to identify character traits exclusively in the form and facial expression, in general - you can not. Therefore, once a deal: everything that will be discussed below, you might find useful in determining the true intentions and the status of your contact.

One of the rules of ethics fine of communication - not to violate the boundaries of personal space without permission from the interlocutor. This permission can be obtained as orally (we can simply ask to come closer or move up), or in the form of unique non-verbal invitations (partner stretches us an interesting magazine, and we come close, asked the beautiful ring on his finger, touching you, or just coming closer). A sign that you are interested in a man - is the general orientation of his body, and especially of the head in your direction. If your partner is trying hard to pretend that you listen carefully, but it looks to the side, often turned away, ostensibly looking for friends in the crowd, we can conclude that at heart he is already far away, and it is hardly your words reach his consciousness. Casually look at the toes of his shoes. If they "look" is not in your aside, this is yet another sign that your interlocutor was ready to "do his legs and was only waiting for this opportunity.

Facial expression during intercourse

Now let's look at the face of your interlocutor. The most conspicuous part of the human face - is, of course, in his eyes. Eyes - the mirror of the soul, the ancients said. It may be true, but modern man hides his feelings are much more sophisticated than its ancestors. And a mere glance "eye to eye" can hardly be "read" the thoughts of man. Yes, and the exchange of views can be very different: one thing when you look straight into his eyes for a few seconds, and not too want to look away, and it is quite another when the exchange of views - is a kind of vicious duel, "someone who review "(eyes bulged, their facial expressions - Barmaleevskoe, hands in fists).

Fleeting sidelong glances not too good indicator, especially when your interlocutor always avert their eyes when you are trying to "catch his eye." Typically, this is a sign that you are telling lies or the person has something to hide. As a complement to the look and hide the hand, but more on that later. By the way, a direct look in the face by an unknown person you perceived as a challenge than likely it is. You can check this on the dog or cat from the streets: the animal will not pay attention to you if you do not look at him, but from the open view is running in all haste.
With these simple concepts, like a smile, frustration on his face, wrinkles of joy or an expression of sorrow we have encountered. Seeing the face manifestations of strong emotions, we can run to determine what they type. But man, preserving "stone" facial expression, may remain a mystery to us an enigma. In fact, he feels a man whose face expressed nothing? How can I figure out what to expect? Many will say about the man lips. However, once again I repeat, do not seek to outline the lips inborn traits. Well, not all Africans are cheerful and hospitable, despite their outstanding broad lips! Pay attention to the fact the condition of the human mouth at any given moment.

Lips tightly closed, because of what appear to be narrow slits. Noticeable wrinkles around the lips. A clear sign that a person is tense, he can not reveal to you, to communicate with you for it is not very easy. The lower lip is protruding, - self-confidence, do not expect this ratio to equal rights. According to you he will try to dominate. Interestingly, however, watch his mouth when communicating with others. You may notice that protruding lip at once removed to his place, when the entity begins to communicate with meaningful to him man. Protruding lip or lips also expressed disgust. Try to portray the feeling and feel like responding to it your lips. Like?

Crooked smile says the cynicism of a man, his skeptical relevant to you. In general, a smile - is an art. She can tell a lot about a person. In addition, a smiling man is more likely to be successful in society, he is more popular and pleasant to talk to. Not in vain in the United States erected a smile into a cult. However, the fake smile is easy to distinguish from the real: a real smile glows from it really getting warmer.

Another sign of a smile "from the heart": it will not immediately disappear, and a long time to bloom on your lips smile you man. Smile "politely" will disappear as soon as your companion will turn away. Much of the nature of your partner will say wrinkles. In humans, the mass of facial muscles, which sooner or later leave traces on the face of its activities. And so on this trail, "read" the story of human emotions at all easy. Only need care. What, for example, can speak the radial little wrinkles around your eyes?

Most likely, the cheerful character of man, it is curious. Since these wrinkles are formed either when a person laugh, or when considering something interesting. However, these wrinkles can indicate a myopia (remember the famous Lenin squint?). Wrinkled forehead - a well-known symbol of thoughtfulness and a great mind. With regard to the mind, then, of course, only guesses. But that person long enough to wrinkle his forehead, trying to solve some difficult (for him), the problem can be judged to have a certain degree of probability. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead, usually decorated with intelligent people.

But the wrinkles in the corners of his mouth will tell is not about the fact that their owner - a man smiling, but rather the opposite. The fact that natural smile relaxes facial muscles, tones them, leaving no wrinkles. While tightness in the lips of people half-hearted, shy, suspicious (the list goes on) just provokes such wrinkles. Long-term grief and sorrow leaves traces on the human face more clearly than joy. Note taking off wrinkles running from the wings of the nose to the lips: a sign of disappointment, suffering, long-term failures. If wrinkles are added to them, going from the outer edges of the eye - the situation is even worse. At the pinnacle of suffering will point out wrinkles, reaching down from the corner of his lips. Generally more wrinkles in people nervous, energetic and emotional. Lack of wrinkles on the face, usually indicates laziness, apathy, poor emotional life of a person or a desperate shortage of self-control.

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