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Body language of a real woman

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Body language of a real woman
What causes men to turn around after you? Mini-skirt? Gorgeous hair? Bright makeup? In fact, the secret is not in it. Importantly - the ability to present themselves ... He was walking on the street girl, apparently - nothing special, and men with her eyes without blinking ... A familiar picture, is not it? And you tried so hard, brush up and dressed, but for potential Cavaliers remained invisible man. What is it? Reason - in the vibrations of confidence and sex appeal. which radiates the body. Psychologists have found: up to 90% of the information about the person we're crawling with his appearance and behavior. Clothing, hairstyle and general appearance, of course, speak volumes. However, gait, posture, facial expressions, gestures can tell others about you a lot more. Fortunately, the body language you can learn and improve, becoming in the eyes of more and more attractive. Even if it will have to relearn how to stand, walk and sit.

Regal posture

Remember the classics: how much attention was focused on the ability to keep your back strong kindergarten teacher noble girls! This serves the same purpose Tight corsets, which never for a moment the lady was not allowed to relax and bend the hook. Watch out for is: how do you go and sit? Evaluate your posture. Drooping shoulders give out a failure, and bent back talking about the heavy burden of life that you carry. Who wants to deal with the dismal figure, which is so difficult to exist? Successful people keep my head up high and your back - directly. The desire to bend arises when you want to hide from the world as if in some way offended. And as a result lose the chance to be not only seen, but also assessed on merit. Internal clips and low self-esteem live in the body, but can the reverse process: working on your body, you get a chance to change internally, to become more open and confident.

Rectify the situation will help special exercises. Need to train: walk around the room, for example. with a book on his head, to represent themselves in a corset, cling to the wall buttocks, shoulder blades and crown and. moving away from the wall, try to maintain this position. The new habit is formed in about 3 weeks. Set a goal - to develop a regal bearing, and for 21 days to do exercises controlling the position of his body. In moments of fatigue, imagine how strong the invisible thread, running from your head to the sky behind you. not giving the bend.

Flying gait

The first rule for making easy, graceful gait - keep your back straight. Shoulders and there should be a little laid back. Make sure your hands. They symbolize the way you communicate with the world. If a person is rude swings his arms - he is as sharp and awkward turns with the outside world. Hands behind his back in his pockets, folded across his chest - a sign of secrecy and reluctance to communicate. Once while walking arm hanging limply over the body, the person is saying: "Do everything for me." This position is irresponsible and helpless person. Squeezing hands, you do not allow yourself to do something, limit yourself. In order to master the art of playing the hands, think about their female destiny: do not nail down the pile, and take care of. show affection. Internal readiness to pat a woman on your favorite tunes flowing and graceful movements of dance of the infinite love that. certainly makes it more mysterious and appealing.

Gait - a "handwriting" of your personality and mood message. Marching step says the propensity to command, mincing feet indicate shyness and insecurity, angular movements - the duality of nature: on the one hand, man is constantly protected, on the other - may behave aggressively.

To master the seductive gait, it is not necessary to emulate mannequins - in everyday life, it looks ridiculous. Gait "from the hip" does not mean swinging her hips, and assumes that the step involved the entire foot - from heel to toe, with toes slightly unfolded. II and perhaps most important - the inner spirit. Surely in your life was at least one moment when you were flying from happiness. Keep in mind that precious episode often include happy "screen" and tune into the corresponding wave.

Beckoning gestures

The body never lies, that's why people do not intuitively trusted him, and postures, facial expressions and gestures. Bewley at the party you want to someone to meet you, and themselves standing with his arms folded - the chances of you a bit. This provision speaks of secrecy and denial of contact. Be careful when touching the face with his hands. If you keep rubbing your nose or cheek, hand props, you should know: These movements show the propensity to doubt and excessive cleverness, what man is, of course, do not like. Classic ladies flirting techniques - a touch to the hair or the earlobe. unobtrusive demonstration of the wrist. neck or legs, and all the movements, emphasizing the splendor bust. Win-win, but too frank option - stroking himself. Light touch to the hips, buttocks, neck, explicitly calls for your companion to join.

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