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Body language while you sleep

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Body language while you sleep

Did you know that our posture during sleep can tell you about our character? American psychiatrist-psychotherapist S. Dankell found that there is a direct connection between what position we are accustomed to take at bedtime, and our attitude towards life. In other words, how we sleep, reflects how we live. And it's true, each person takes during sleep to your favorite position, we do not sleep all the same, as the soldiers - on the back and stretched out his hands at his sides. Someone who likes to sleep on my stomach, someone on your side, and someone - curled up.

Not only is the body position is important, but the position of the hands and feet, as well as provision for bed space: you sleep along, across or diagonally. It is believed that the position of the legs indicates that as we move through life, and the position of your hands - it is our freedom or dependence. Space, which we are trying to take in the bed, characterizes our position in society.

Poses in a dream

In many studies researchers found that people are sociable, open and good-natured sleeping on his back, his hands behind his head. Moreover, this position of the hands still points to the fact that these people are accustomed to use their intellectual abilities as the main form of protection, ie, they are defending their case, relying on the reasons and arguments.
Calm and steady sleep on your side, legs slightly bent. This posture suggests that this man does not aspire to leadership, at times he lacks the courage and perseverance. But on the other hand such a person has no problems in communicating, because he is always ready to compromise.

If you sleep on your side with outstretched limbs - it says about your character open. Usually such people are very sociable, not afraid of change, easy to move. If your arms and legs spread out in different directions, "flying" pose - this describes you as a rather frivolous person, but if the arms and legs are arranged symmetrically with respect to the body - this indicates the accuracy, balance, a sober mind.

If you prefer to sleep on his stomach, with bends one leg and throwing his hands - you are discreet, tend to dominate, not averse to impose their views. In this posture on the abdomen is closed posture, as well as the situation when a man turned to the wall, for example, or when in any position covers the chest or head - this indicates the stiffness and shyness, and not a special desire to interact with others.

If you're used to sleeping in a pose Kalachik or even call this attitude "fetus", it says about your uncertainty and insecurity. Typically, these people are looking for support and protection, they are impulsive and prone to alien influence.

If you're used to sleep on their backs, while your hands are free to lie along the torso and legs do not close, but not scattered on the sides - a "royal pose". This situation is a dream take people confident, purposeful, straight. As a rule, are the leaders, or just stubborn enough personality. In the family, they try to occupy a dominant position. In this case, if such a position a person holds his hands on his stomach, it indicates his desire to defend itself off from anything.

Position of the hands and feet

Some sleep trying to catch their feet bed or slip one or two feet under the mattress. It is believed that such people are afraid of change, with great caution apply to all new and unexpected. But fans of overhang feet from his bed, quite the contrary are not averse to ignore some rules, to embark on an adventure or go on ill-considered risks. Fans of crossing the ankle cautious people affected someone else's influence. But if the legs during sleep constantly stretched - this indicates the identity of the active and purposeful.

If one leg is boned, and the second bent - it's dual nature. If desired, can be purposeful and focused, but at certain periods of their lives suddenly become passive and relaxed. These are people with changeable moods character.

Position of the hands in a dream indicates a relaxed intensity, or vice versa. Usually people dependent, in a dream necessarily for something stick. For a blanket, a pillow, one hand over another, etc. This hand position indicates that the person is looking for support, it's hard to be independent, he may doubt their abilities.

Maybe so that people with one hand clinging to a blanket, and another hanging from the bed, an arrangement of hand points to the duality of nature. We can not say that this person is completely independent, but at the same time he allows himself to completely dominate. If a person is in any position sleeps with clenched fists - it indicates his aggressiveness.

Across, along or on the diagonal

But not only poses that we accept in a dream can tell us about our character. Then, as we take bed space, too, shows our character and attitude towards life. If a person during sleep trying to take as much bed space - in real life he is also trying to win a larger living space.

On the self-confidence and reliance in the center position of said bed, and about such people say they are optimistic, outgoing, resourceful, they are drawn. If you try to sit near a wall or move up closer to the back of the sofa - you really need a strong partner, patron, pillar.

But if you sleep on your side of the bed, it indicates that you probably are not satisfied with your current position in life. Across the bed and sleep on the diagonal people usually unbalanced, excitable and impulsive. But if you constantly move around in bed during sleep, and you is not worth waking up in the morning and find that your head was where they ought to be legs, and feet resting on a pillow - you do not have clear goals in life, you are scattered and perhaps even infantile.

Body language and sexuality

Our posture during sleep can also tell you about our sexuality. If you, for example, sleep on your back and your genitals are not covered - this describes you, a man of bold and active in intimate relationships. Usually such people are confident in their sexuality, they have no problems with the opposite sex.

Half-genitals, posture on the side, talking about shyness in dealing with sexual partners, a man rarely takes the initiative themselves, if the genitals completely covered (posture Kalachik) - is likely to sexual intercourse is difficult, there are complex and insecure in their sexuality. Posture on the belly indicates that a person not particularly obsessed with the sexual side of life. Yes, and moreover, pose on the abdomen and on his side with his legs pulled detrimental to sexual health: there is compression of nerves and blood vessels that feed the sexual organs.

If a person is accustomed to sleep in the "royal pose" while his limbs are scattered randomly, and the hands are often in the genital area - it says that sex is of great importance in his life, as a rule, such people have a lot of sexual relationships.

Of course, we do not sleep in one position all night, but everyone has a fundamental position in which we spend a large part of the dream, that this posture should be considered. Our facial expressions and speech in everyday life we can control, unlike the postures in a dream, so to this kind of analysis of nature and human behavior, I think it's worth considering.

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