Border six home treatment in the homes of Radix
In I the house. Definite lowering of vitality. However, the favorable trade and the medical profession.
In the II house. Connects health and earnings and the reduction in earnings in the event of failing health. Can also specify the rent or the payment of pensions due to an accident at work, etc. In some cases, work for wages.
In the III house. Work is connected with the movement of (postal worker, journalist, etc.) or risk of disease during the move.
In the IV house. The work, which can take part spouse or family member.
V V house. Work relating to entertainment or amusements. May indicate a landing on the ship or for temporary employment during vacations, holidays.
The VI house. Allocates testimony Radix in this house, especially b home, Mercury and the sign of Virgo.
In the VII house. Work touches another, usually with the complicity of his problems (attorney, lawyer, occultist, etc.) and his loyal, if the planet is beneficial. Cooperation. Expansion of activities and allocation of responsibility or work. Sometimes this process because of the labor agreement.
In the VIII house. Sometimes the need to change work and the new orientation. Or death of a subordinate.
In the IX house. Opportunity to work abroad. Internship or study.
In the X house. Extends the work and often points to the expansion of the enterprise or the end of the chain of command.
In the XI house. Allows you to find help and favors (like VI House VII House Radix) cooperation. Sometimes it is a sign of new methods (radio, advertising, etc.) that make it known to other work or business (promotion).
In the XII house. Points to a disease that becomes chronic and requires hospitalization or surgery. Professional care. Sometimes the secret professional activities.