Boundary 2 houses in treatment homes Radix
Boundary II house located in the I House. Allocates financial issues, depending on the good and bad aspects, bank and building. Typically, a beneficial effect in this area.
In the II house. Radix performs in a good or bad sense, in accordance with the Radix.
In the III house. Numerous earnings or their dispersal. Money from intellectual activity (eg, journalism). Sometimes the money is coming in the mail due to displacement. May mean buying a new car, etc.
In the IV house. Corresponds mainly features real estate transactions. Distribution of income or earnings or losses should be expected from the lease, sale, etc. (But rather on the earnings).
V V house. The possibility of winning a lottery or gamble, or a manifestation of artistic talent or teaching abilities. In general, the position indicates an increase in earnings.
The VI house. New income from the profession, perhaps spending on health.
In the VII house. Money on contracts. The public may challenge the law or make profit and hence the popularity. With the favorable planets is also a good influence spouse (wife) on financial matters. In case of bad aspects, such as Jupiter, it may be a desire to husband (wife) to start the process (for example, about the alimony).
In the VIII house. The possibility of the inheritance.
In the IX house. Earnings from remittances, teaching, occult or religion. Sometimes, help from parents to husband (wife) or harmful planets their content.
In the X house. The main event of the period of the finance. The position will require new earnings, may open new possibilities credits can be a starting point for expansion (expansion).
In the XI house. Connects the plans, earnings and friendship. Notes the considerable assistance of friends. Good opportunities for credit. Present for a friend, a cost (in background).
In the XII house. The possibility of receiving the money from the occult or profession related to the mystery of life (hence, a gynecologist, intelligence, etc.). In other cases, more frequent secret cash receipts or testing in relation to earnings, expensive treatment or hospitalization.