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Boundary of 12 hometreatment in the homes of Radix

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Boundary of 12 home-treatment in the homes of Radix
 In I the house. Detection of a secret love or facts relating to the life of the subconscious. Foster's dreams and the occult life. The fact of having been in the past, will be one of the dominant events of the period.

 In the II house. As for money at all diminished capacities. If Jupiter was in the XII house in Radix, it may be a process.

 In the III house. Risk of accidents on the road. Sometimes it's writings on occult themes. Gives the offense with his brothers, etc. in the house if the dominant XII house Mercury is square to the lunar node in the IV house.

 In the IV house. Care in connection with the residence. Sometimes it is back home in case of hospitalization.

 V V house. Acute disease tends to become chronic. Care at work, sometimes (with Jupiter, Venus, Pluto) rate of illicit relations on the job.

 In the VII house. Sometimes it can be held conclusion of a contract relating to pharmacies, clinics, occult work or participate in a secret society, etc. In general, shows that the secret enemies reveal themselves.

 In the VIII house. Indicator of difficulties with capital or inheritance. In the IX house. Difficulties with foreign countries or the law. Maybe people will be involved in the teaching of the occult sciences.

 In the X house. Indicates a floating occult fact or sorrow: hospitalization, jail, political differences, etc.

 In the XI house. Points to plans for an occult sphere, or requiring a certain expectation. Sometimes quarrels with friends.

 In the XII house. Judgement should be developed to XII house Radix according to the sign Pisces on Neptune and Jupiter.
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