A man waits for a woman of understanding, patience, care and sex. A woman is often just looking for a man (not to be confused with a simple man). This may be her ideal, a dream in which she seeks his life, a certain image, coined in his youth, a sort of quintessential qualities of a real man, which must necessarily materialize in her lover. Most of these princes, beautiful face, strong body, proudly shaking filled with gold and silver, a powerful, some have different exceptional intellect, sparkling humor, all without exception - the white "horse" (at least, recognized as suitable and snow-white Mercedes). Many women claim that quietly can live without male attention, affection, and certainly, the more masculine without advice and teachings. Alas, this is only a myth, a fiction, an excuse, which is used from time to time women who are disappointed with the opposite sex, especially alone. Yes, in most cases the woman herself knows how to do it in a particular situation and can do well without a clue on their own right decision, finding the best way out of this situation. But it's not always the same woman need only tips and advice - much more she needs tenderness, compassion, care and support coming from close to her man.
In fact, a woman desperately need male advice. This does not mean that it is necessary to forget about their own feminine selves, to live other people's thoughts, completely dissolved in it, dear, only to become its application. Not at all, should always be proud of their independence, but does not fly in the face of it - men do not like that. They, too, from time to time to give advice to the lady of the heart - it helps them feel their need, indispensable, invaluable to his beloved. Well, that is to play up the man, to create some illusion of helplessness, lack of foresight, unauthoritative? Big deal, some small, but helpful and pleasant. Today, for him to ask for advice, and tomorrow and he'll ask for help. All human beings are not perfect, are not able to succeed in everything and always, so you have to concentrate and specialize in one or, at best, in several directions. But no matter how we try, there is always a chance of making a mistake, be in a hopeless situation. To whom to ask for help?
The people there is a perception that to be completely happy woman needs at least one loving male, one female and at least one little black dress. Why? Probably to help and comfort at different points in life, to help out in any situation. One tries to get a male friend, the other a male lover, and few women are happy owner of this treasure - a man who combines the qualities of a friend and lover. He can talk about everything, share problems and experiences, all of them will be correctly interpreted, taken seriously, with the understanding. No need to hurry up and put a cross on his personal life, but of finding a single (ie, perfect) is sometimes useful to refuse. Have not found the ideal, do not be sad, find a loved and loving, no less attractive and charming.
Not with each of the male friends consist intimate relationship, but it's for the best, the rest may simply remain on friendly terms. Each of them is his good, for a certain period of life will support and help advice. It may be that a woman should not idealize the men and go to them for help with any trifle - more logical to distribute such a heavy burden between several people, ask for help to multiple addresses? Worry and cry over a love drama with the best girlfriend, with anxieties about their own health and well being of the child can turn to my mother, relationship with parents to discuss with a brother or sister, about sex, nightmares and philosophical themes speak to loved ones. This is just an example of how to divide the responsibilities of relief (moral, material and physical) between the intimate and familiar, dear hearts people.
Each of the women is free to fantasize, to request or demand from each family on their abilities, capabilities. "To each - with her" - the slogan is easier to live. Favorite so you get rid of the universal role of a confessor, and he was grateful to be love even stronger. In addition, you will find a lot of friends and acquaintances, each of whom will receive a minimum return, therefore, does not alienate or frighten their calls five times a day and eternal complaints about life-byte, by contrast, tightly-tightly bound the them to myself (people love to help others, give advice and teach, they like to feel needed, someone to be useful). True, the time will come when they come for help and advice to you, this too should be ready. Why is it often impossible from her husband, her lover get help and moral support? No, not because men are stupid, insensitive and rude, and not because they perceive women as lower class. Not always to blame men. Although sometimes, when faced with indifference and incomprehension of malignant loved one, so want to believe in this nonsense, to believe in order not to suffer more thought "likes or dislikes," or "what is the punishment, and to live peacefully, without men and, hence, no problem.
Spiritual callousness men very often, unfortunately, provoking ... the woman herself. And blame is not the star, located adversely, not coincidence, but the most usual, the trivial inability to ask for help, advice. Someone does not agree: "Do friends, loved do not exist to a difficult moment to regret sympathize with, to hug and comfort? Surely they must be mindful of the rules of good manners, pretend to an understanding, forgiving, courteous and fair, both to colleagues or superiors? "Actually loved the men are not so indifferent, and when the need arises, they are in good faith to cope with the responsibilities of home waistcoats for tears. Do not they share with women their own problems, troubles? boyfriend understands the feelings overwhelm her friend, which for no reason at all to lose his job, how she hurt and offended, he will show compassion, pity, perhaps, try to divert, amuse, to help with advice. But he just can not cry when she saw that her brand new shoes doroguschy broken heel.
Yes there are men ... They condemn, blame God knows what, and for yourself ... listen to yourself compassionate story co-worker that her husband left her after so many years together, went to a little girl-student with legs growing from his ears, listening, but carelessly, in a half-ear, and even making fun of himself, he says, "there was nothing to bring him with her tantrums and constant reproaches." So we, the people are arranged, we have not the strength to take to heart all the trouble, without exception. Our minds thus protects us from stress overload. Is normally equally mourn the death of a loved and lost wallet? On the other hand, it does not mean that the right support and sympathy for a person only has when going through a really big mountain. At such times, usually for help do not ask the people themselves to deliver it to us. As for the small living, domestic troubles, troubles of moderate severity, either to cope independently and not whining that you were all abandoned, or learn to ask for help. In the case with men of care will not just ask, it will have to beat out of them by any currently available means (with tears and sighs ohami, hard-core simulation and other sham), for it must be ready to fight. With whom? On television, his friends, hobbies, his selfishness at all.