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Boys Do not Cry

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Boys Do not Cry

Well, usually even the most emotional person, despite the overwhelming their senses, can pull yourself together and deal with their tears at parting. But here's what to do with man's tears? They say that women's tears - the water. We can shed them on any occasion - from a broken nail to a sad song on the radio or a touching act of our favorite hero in a Hollywood melodrama. Women cry generously and often. What should be the same as that output fluid from the body? Another thing - men! We all know that " boys do not cry . " We are accustomed to this from early childhood. And we all know the price of avaricious men's tears, which the representatives of the stronger sex, according to rumors, shed once or twice in my entire life.

For example, the great Ronaldo crying when their team has not won a championship there. It is still possible to understand! In the end, soccer - it all his life, and such devotion to his own vocation and one's own country is quite understandable and even commendable. But what if the man does not cry on such достойному and significant occasion, as a huge defeat, but simply because ... you're his throws. How to respond? How to behave? That dilemma ...

In fact, the first thing you should do after seeing such an unusual sight as the man's tears - is to show loyalty and reject prejudices. Most women believe that men should not cry under any circumstances. After crying - means to show weakness, and weakness of the show - is to acknowledge his unmanly.
And yet, if we discard the prejudices, the tears - it does not indicators of weakness. It is simply out of emotion. Someone swear to let off steam, then who provokes a fight, someone is crying. This is normal and natural. If your ex chose tears as a way to splash the negative, do not despise him for it. Surely you would prefer that he yelled obscenities, or climbed up on you with his fists, to show how much he upset? Try to feel gratitude for a man who has shown to you such strong feelings and emotions.

Do I have to console a crying man - it's certainly you. Try to listen to the voice of intuition. In some situations, it may be better to leave the man alone with his emotions and experiences. Not every man wants to be seen in a moment of weakness. Therefore, if you are asked to leave, do not argue, just go away. And remember: women live longer than men, because it easily throws out the negative emotions and do not hold in itself. We give the same for men and such a beautiful and useful for health and life opportunity!
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