Boys are interested in things that girls the people
Sorry that did not carry out statistical studies on how often women recite a textbook phrase: "We need a serious talk" - than men. I think that the ratio would be approximately 100: 1. They love to start serious talks, something to clear out something sure to check, recheck, and require proof of evidence. (Part of this mania is explained in the chapter on the characteristics of female speech.)
But it is impossible to explain the love of a desire to clarify the relationship just to chat! They are convinced that the problem is in us. We offend them, do not understand, do not appreciate, do not like, do not respect, sneer at, especially Konstantin nerves, and generally playing the fool, "if it was not my maiden shame, not something you would even say!". Around our fault - it's verdict is final and not appealable. If you will persuade the woman to the contrary, you will fly even further. So it is better to relax and have fun. And away, remember that it clarifies the relationship is not because you dunce or she has PMS. And because of this ugly character she developed a process of evolution.
Someone may say: "What is he blamed on ancestors yes evolution? What other explanations do not? ". Uh-uh, no. "All of us from childhood - know this doctrine? Well, it is also true with respect to one individual. If we talk about humanity in general, we all come from the Cenozoic era. It began 1.6 million years ago. Somehow people began to deal with the metal of the order of 5,000 years ago. Began to behave more or less civilized (that is no longer tear slightly fried meat with his teeth and throwing daggers at anyone who looks askance) 600 years ago. He turned in a relatively Cultural gentleman (and ladies, of course) 200 years ago. Well, where 200, where 1.6 million?

If we imagine a person in the form of bulbs, then all sorts of things out there more cultured - this is only the thin upper hulls. Everything Else - Pithecanthropus with a heavy club in his hands. So that all our modern zamorochki - echoes of those times when we were whooping scoured the woods and fields for all living creatures to catch and immediately sharchit. Scientists say even the problem of excess weight has pitekantropskie roots. Half million years the food was a matter of life and death. Forever miss her, every edible root was almost worth its weight in gold. That's why people use inside all that is not nailed, and as long as the ideas came. And then a little bit more - in reserve. And even a drop, just in case ... Not sure - go into the woods, taking with him only the ingenuity and a stick.
I assure you: all day long you'll be engaged in only one - searching for something edible and eating instant found. And not three times a day at home. And every hour, every minute. A week will be on the verge of exhaustion ... and our ancestors have lived since not a day or two, and a million-odd years. Now in the shop around the corner full abundance. Nothing to worry about. But the monkey in us warily glancing from side to side and requires streskat extra bit in reserve. Out of habit ... And not just eat and eat something greasy, satisfying and nutritious - as well as tomorrow, will not have to eat? Let zhirok postponed for a year of famine. The vast majority of people because of spinach are not drags. And from potatoes, bifshteksika good, so even with the sauce some zhirnenkim, nicely. Delicious it say, and spinach taste good? Correctly, therefore, is delicious, nourishing, and that allows reserves to defer as Zhirkov ...
And this explanation is the love of hamburgers and cakes. And like all serious and deep when it comes to things like the ugly nature of women. Just an abyss! So, the love of women to clarify the relationship. I repeat: we are not so bad. In the end, if the problem would only be in this, and solved it would be easy: What row - and took leave. But they leave in case of emergency. Why? Yes, because they are again more important than the process itself than the outcome. They have a totally different attitude to ... to the relationship, I'm sorry for the tautology.
Boys are interested in things that girls - the people. It has long been unchallenged. Moreover, education is no role here is not playing. Scientists - men meticulous and studied children aged from several hours to several years. The results were identical. The girl at the age of three months can distinguish in the photograph his family from strangers, and the boy not do so in the state. Its far more interested in toys. The girl reaches out to contacts with other people, a boy - to the subjects. Give the boy and girl toy elephant that walks and sings - the girl make him your friend, and the boy will disassemble the parts to see how it works, and then, when he is bored, pulls on another toy.
More - more. Sooner or later the children end up in his team like the little ". Again, a striking difference in behavior. Boys are set to compete. They are interested in power, raising their own status in the group. Relations for them - one big competition. Girls, by contrast, tend to cooperate and establish contacts. Leader in the company of girls you will find at once. In addition, this leader can be constantly changing. Boys play with cars and soldiers, and at the same time they are most interested in is cars and soldiers. Girls are much more interested in talking, sharing ideas, discussing the same toys.
In short, the boys are interested in things and how they work. Girls - people and their relationships. With age, this difference did not decrease. Ask a woman about her wedding. She raspishet entire ceremony and guests are constantly stumbling on who someone who has and in what respects is. Man promychit a couple of sentences on the subject: everything was normal, but in my opinion, I almost got excited, and then instantly brightened, recalling the "stag party" ...
Men love to watch fighters and detectives not just because there's a sea of blood and furious fighting. But because the main thing in these movies - the action. Women look melodramas and soap operas are not due to some kind of stupid and unnecessary romance. Just where it comes to human relationships. First of all they are interested in films just that. Try to look at least a couple episodes of a Mexican TV series. Roof move out from all of Pedro, Juan, Luis and Marcel ... It is not clear who is whose cousin, and why did my mother loves her daughter but does not want to see her in her home. Women in all these intricacies of dramatic Mexican fate sorted out in ten minutes. It is not even out of breath. They are a snap. Because the relationship between human beings for their main interest in life.
Or take the writers. The author, a man enters the characters exactly as long as necessary for plot development. And the relationship does not describe to them to describe and analyze, but only in order to more fully describe the nature of the hero or motivate twist. In the novels, who wrote the woman, be thirty three characters. Exactly thirty more than you need to storyline to develop normally. Some of them, though, may get lost somewhere in the middle of the book, but most of safely surviving to the end. And throughout the book, they will somehow sort things out. And how! It's fun!
But unfortunately, this unhealthy interest in all respects is not limited to sultry Mexican movie directors and book. You bet! After all, everything in life is much more interesting! But in order ... As mentioned earlier, education has nothing to do with it. No matter how you tried to radically child will not change its priorities. The thing is Mother Nature. Remember, in the chapter on conversations with the woman I wrote about having had Pithecanthropus Pithecanthropus male and female different things? And that is sitting in the company with the same hairy ladies of all day long accustomed ladies more or less tolerable to chat? So here is the same. They learned not only talk, but also to communicate (which is not the same thing). And over the millennia of evolution have made in this case was a remarkable success.