Briar brown from the evil eye, damage
Dry twigs hips fumigate spoiled patients. Dry branches hips put in places where evil forces.
• Decoction of the root in milk - a good remedy for gallstones.
• If the paralysis of the body or its individual members bathe the patient in a warm bath, add broth to the roots of wild rose.
• rosehip oil is used in cracked nipples and trophic ulcers.
• Napara fruit is useful in hypertension, atherosclerosis, and reduces the brittleness of the vessels.
• If you use a decoction of the flowers of epilepsy or napar hip.
• Napara hips are shown in atherosclerosis, complications of diabetes.
• In broth galls hips do warm sitting baths hemorrhoids.
• The decoction of the root brier bathe children with scrofula, a decoction of the roots of wild rose, passed inside, help with fever.
• With watery eyes eyes should be washed with broth flowers hips.
• Napara fruits are used in diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, particularly in stone disease of these organs.
• Flowers are rose hips are antitussives, they obkladyvayut places affected by erysipelas.
• Fruits of wild rose boiled in water and added to a warm sitz bath. It helps with hemorrhoids, soothe pain and burning.
• Peel hips analgesic and accelerates the process of resorption of the stones.
• Napara fruit increases bile flow, stimulates the sexual glands, weakens and stops bleeding, strengthens the regenerative processes of soft and bone tissue, accelerates healing of wounds, burns and frostbite.
• decoction of leaves has antimicrobial and analgesic effect and is used for gastro-intestinal diseases.
• Decoction of young branches are used for hypertension.