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Business communication style

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Business communication style

It is natural that the principles - is, above all, a position based on the attitude to the problem, rather than against the opponent. Other requirements are stated in the form of simple imperatives of business style obscheniya.Postavte yourself in your opponent. R. Fisher and William Urey, offering this as a basic principle, argue that we see the world in a matter of what position we look at it. People tend to believe that they more closely and see what they want. This is reflected in the biased selection of information and assessment of the facts in their biased interpretation. Each side in business communication tends to see only the dignity of his own position and not notice its shortcomings. Speech about the merits of its opponent, as a rule did not go.

Ability to see the situation as it appears to the other side, is an important element of business communication style.

Step 1. The first step is to estimate the maximum opposite point of view of rights as well as to understand the reasons for the outlook of your opponent, to weigh and evaluate all of his views.

Somehow, in a modern business world it is a practical attitude, but no methodological principle.

Step 2.Sleduyuschee action is necessary to understand all: what is the principle of validity of claims and claims of parties to the dispute. Necessary, including the review and their own ambitions and claims.

More objective look at things can be when putting yourself in your opponent. A look at our own position through the eyes of the enemy helps more impartially assess their own claims and pretensions, as well as the expectations and outcomes. And it means - commensurate justification for the position, measure compliance and firmness. Business communication - is primarily the achievement of mutual understanding. There is a French saying: "To understand - is to forgive." Of course, in the disputed action, finding relationships, there can be no question of forgiveness (but there are such cases). But in the process of communication, when it comes to understanding, we have to realize that this is the price.
Price here is the benefit of the agreement. Criteria for understanding: agreement and clarity of thought, psychological compatibility, common purpose, common interests and mutually beneficial actions, a lot of them. Knowledge and adequate assessment of the capacity of partners is closely associated with objective self-esteem. Any error that occurred in the estimated capacity of opposite hand, may indicate incompetence or unwillingness to learn from each other. Reciprocity, of course, in this way will achieve the impossible. Inadequate self-esteem characterized by an overvalued level of claims and complaints, their unsupported ambition, and perhaps even project-mongering. All these characteristics are incompatible with the business style of communication. Another feature of imperatives - specifically. Constructive discussion will not be possible unless the desire to achieve concrete results, as well as provoke the goals and means.

Most often, this approach is called the business and specific. He also has its disadvantages and may contain flaws, and even strategic miscalculations. But it is worth for him to sit at the negotiating table and on the basis of an objective examination to determine the share of each partner in a joint project agreement. State the purpose of business communication within their reach. Business communication style implies, above all, specific goals. These goals should be placed well in areas that are commensurate with your own capabilities. Purpose of business communication should be specific on the timing, sequence, technologies, or practical significance. Therefore, in addition to each other all these parameters are necessary conditions for the purposes of business communication style.

For all the temptation of some brilliant suggestions, if they do not have a specific content, save a constructive discussion is not possible. The struggle for the salvation of the business style is directly related to the preservation of his own face in the eyes of a partner. Adherence to the requirements of the second imperative requires taking into account many components. Among these conditions, time and place of debate, its purpose and possible outcomes, priorities and preferences, and more. Indeed, if the partners or adversaries begin, to qualify in the context of personal confrontation, the resolution of the disputed issue has no future, at least, constructive outlook. Any step, any statement will be treated as directed personally against a person. Tone of the conflict will grow and cause partners to take a protective stance against virtually any step or action of any party, regardless of the constructive or destructive of its nature.

This is the easiest way to increase the incompatibility of positions and torpedoing of business communication. Each of the partners can be principled in the evaluation of the weakness of its opponent, and tolerance for their own shortcomings. Such a selective, one-sided principle also characterizes the absence of an official style of discussion. To avoid it, consider the following imperative. Principles should be based on the principles of position Following this imperative suggests the implementation of some of the more weighty and important orders. Integrity in business communication is purely tactical and methodological dimension. The fact that the principle of objectivity in self-evaluation should be even and timely. Need the time to step earlier partner to recognize the wrongfulness of his opponent's statements, so as not to give him the opportunity to purchase tactical success of the discussion of this. Timely confession deprives the opponent a chance to squeeze out the private failure of the winning points and seize the initiative.
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