Business man
Intuition plays a big role in the lives of business men. Have you noticed that many people have held their own preferences, "lucky" numbers or days of the week, lucky charms, which bring them good luck? A person can laugh about it in conversation (it should also maintain the image of Superman), but actually listen carefully to the advice of feng shui, and omens. But our hero - is not a fatalist. He sees signs of fate is not as imperative as well as a warning, not relying on them entirely in business. He does not let anyone or anything whatsoever to lead their lives, he is her boss, a wise, able to take into account not only their own desires, but objective circumstances. Attractive portrait, is not it?
I will tell you a secret, that man - the embodiment of success in life - always possible to distinguish among many others. In centuries past disguised kings learned of posture and tone. So it is a business man who is master of its destiny, - the King, going through life nesuetlivoy, measured gait with head held high. And let it not characterized by high growth - in fact most of the men who left a trace in history, were not the giants - by others the impression that they look up at him. So strong is the energy of confidence comes from him.
And it is our main goal, my lovely - do not miss "bells" that notify us of the approach of this prince, or not - the king, the men in our lives. After all, how often we are surprised to learn that at the time failed to respond to a sense of man, which now can only dream of. And he, as the saying goes, "married and happy" ... business men are distinguished confidence and calm. Because he is confident he can cope with most difficulties in life, do not allow ourselves to panic or fuss. Authoritativeness in his eyes tells others: before you a strong person. Necessary component of successful man is the image of his well-groomed appearance. Thank God that in our time to achieve the beauty industry allow anyone to look respectable. And it's very good that the increase in the number of men who have decent form in accordance with the measure of his success. In this case, it is not necessary to be dressed in the latest catalog of fashionable boutiques.
What is in our perception of male beauty (as, indeed, female)? This, above all, well-groomed. A neat haircut, ironed shirt, a light aroma of toilet water does not go unnoticed either for us or for his colleagues. Self-esteem is the ability to find time to take care of their appearance. It also shows respect for others, and especially to a woman who is next. Who is she? Why, it's you! A successful man focuses on his face, body, wardrobe, manners and posture, because it knows that its efforts to maintain in order of appearance will ensure him success with the opposite sex. Otherwise, all his other achievements that nobody notices.
"Business Card" and successful man, a witness for himself, - hands. Can you imagine the head of a large firm with dirty nails? I also can not imagine. Even if he started his road to success with the work of his hands, it does not mean that his hands should testify about it. After major success in his life he achieved with the help of tireless energy and skill to achieve this goal. And it will agree, is already on to another area. A few words about the smell. Expensive perfume - a necessary attribute of masculine appearance. Impression of strength and success is possible and necessary to create not only with the help of visual images, but on a subconscious level. No wonder there is the phrase "smell of success", "smell of success."

From a confident, dobivshegosya many men come very special fluids that signal others about his status. And with a respectable smell good cologne that creates a complete image, the image of a successful man. If you noticed, we made no mention of the beauty. This is intentional, my dear. For example, I firmly believe that beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair for men are not the main criterion for its "ideal" and masculinity. Besides beauty is in the habit to pass with age, but the strength, confidence, influence, success - never!