By what criteria we choose a partner?
The first communication skills, kindergarten, school and so on. Very attracted to people with something similar to your first best friend, even if you do these friends in person, then do not remember. The main thing - you still have a positive experience communicating with people at an early stage, and now you're hoping in my heart that with new friends all goes as well ... The first erotic experience. Someone calls you the first waves of feelings, the first wish, first orgasm - similar to his people through many years, can inspire you peace of awe, to cause the attraction and even love. In this way, lies the danger of pornography to teenagers: it is what they see as the first erotic stimuli, may become attractive to them. And as in porn are most frequently involved one particular type of lady, then later a poor young man will get off his feet, looking for a wife was with her breasts, legs or hair ...
And her personality and psychological compatibility is not important to him absolutely. And after going through two or three of divorce, disillusioned in all women, it can not guess about the reasons for their troubles! Those genetic traits that one who chooses, thinks positive, often lacking from him. By what criteria we choose a partner? " Nature is so arranged that all aimed at improving the race. And you, being sure that any parameters of your body or a body you do not like and you do not like to see this tormented and your children will unconsciously choose one or the one who has in excess of what is missing from you - and vice versa. Often these couples are surprisingly harmonious.
A short, stout man chooses to marry tall, slender girl. A young man suffering from early hair loss and bald to twenty years, came to the ecstasy of the strongest girls with bushy hair. His little worried what it is, by nature, it was important that his sons did not suffer as he ... Alas, hope is often not justified: the heredity of their laws, and may occur as a comic song about a boy who was "a powerful intellect, but strashon as a mortal sin." In general, "he decided to make an offer silly Maschke," which was nonetheless beautiful. And he thought: "Our children will undoubtedly be the beauty of a mother, and me - a mighty mind: my mind not to take" ... Children are born, however, contrary to expectations, straholyudnye in papa and mama - fools. " Such a disappointment, as they say, and the enemy does not want.
Spouse according to the zodiac
Many people choose a spouse, guided by the zodiac signs: they say, to me such and such a suit, and such a no ... Is there any influence on the zodiac to raise a family? Only someone who believes it. And people are starting to bother, for example, these thoughts: "What a nice guy, I like, got to marry him, but he was born under the sign, with whom my horoscope constant quarrels ..." Even if such a girl for this guy comes out, still unconsciously, will wait for these fights. And then to provoke - not to suffer waiting for, "when will finally begin." And when to begin, continue and end in divorce, sighs: "Well, I told you, we do not approach each other ..." And if you do not bother with such things, it is possible to create a happy family with who you are on a horoscope "is not suitable at all."
By the way, firstly, if so pick a partner by the rules of astrology, then do not forget to look at not one but several horoscopes.
Because in each written their own, sometimes quite the opposite. Second, note that to date the zodiacal constellations have shifted considerably, and now some dates of birth, in reality does not fall to the zodiacal sign to which they ascribe. And third, if you really enjoy horoscopes, then convince yourself in a good, not bad. One woman on the zodiacal horoscope was "predicted" that it should become a great artist. She took it seriously enough, and threw all his former occupation and took up painting. Indeed. Soon became quite famous and popular artist. And on his next big exhibition, she met a strange woman, who called ... her own mother.
It turns out that during the war, his mother lost her baby daughter, the girl picked up by strangers and given to the orphanage. The girl was so small that it named only the name. Then she was given another name, and year of birth and the number of recorded approximately - to the eye. Soon, the girl adopted by a different family, and only after many years find her own mother ... Thus, the artist learned that the children's home, recording the date of birth, were mistaken about four months. When she asked out of curiosity horoscope for the "real" birthday, she learned that it turns out, her family has been written to become a great chemist, and the ability to fine art, in particular to the drawing, it does not have and never will be ... Roughly the same role to play passion horoscopes and in choosing a spouse. Of course, God forbid, that all ended the same luck!
To communicate more!
Generally, the best way to find a mate for his soul - an active social interaction. Say, one of my colleagues met her future husband ... on the barricades at the White House is, of course, the example is not so positive, since present an extreme situation, which by definition brings people together and accelerates the process of acquaintance and mutual attraction. In addition to this method of dating have too much to the barricades. As a replacement may be made by employment charity events: for example, voluntary help conservators in restoring an old church, work on gardening and so on ... When all work together, and for my own pleasure, it is best seen anyone what it takes, not only in the sense of hard work. In such a group once defined by leaders and subordinates, lazy and hard workers, caring and egotist ... And you, after looking all, look who like it.
Of course, this is just one example of dating, and such Subbotniks following methods of social communication, of course, not exhaustive. Besides this communication - not the only way to meet his family for the furnishing. Statistics say that the couple often find each other in the following places: school, college, at work, at a festive party with friends or relatives, at dances, exhibitions, theaters (and then connects them in life and still rage ), in the same extreme situations (of course, it will be exciting and something to remember, but not all fit, besides often dangerous). Meet, at last, "accidentally" in transport or in the street, but, although in these places and a lot of people seem to be a great choice, couples after such acquaintance arise infrequently. So, most likely (and safer) to find a future life, in his social circle. But to do that this circle must have! So, before you start looking for a spouse, learn to communicate. In other words - love is possible and at first glance, but it is better to look a second time!