Callous blockhead
Another accusation against men by women - in their insensitivity. Well, this is, of course, greatly exaggerated. Firstly, it looks a man. Secondly, despite what the circumstances. Third, it looks to someone - insensitivity ... Although there is no smoke without fire, the women really are more emotional, more empatichny prone to sensory perception of the world. So it has laid down by nature. The role of women - is the role of the mother. Men throughout history had to dodge on the hunt, to invent different enemies mischief, tempering the nerves in the battles. In fact, empathy is up here? That's the modern man, although it is more perfect, "advanced" version of the men of the Middle Ages, but in general the same " callous blockhead . " It is difficult to enter the world of emotions. This contributes not only to particular psychology, but also education. Daughters decided to indulge, hugging, kissing and grooming.
Such "calf tenderness" towards young boys were considered (and is now considered to be) irrelevant. What should be the man? Strong! Bold! Be able to endure the pain and do not whine! Otherwise, he - a woman! Is not that most people think? Is the Army, at work, in society from men required care, tenderness, and displays of affection? So is it to be strange that at a meeting with this most often male world of the senses is lost? Stunning joy - and yet you can not jump for joy: he's a man! Enormous mountain - but do you cry? After all, you - man! You're touched by your child's first steps - but how can it show? After all, you - man! Anxiety, fear, uncertainty gnaw at your soul. But can you share with someone else? After all, you - man! You've got to deal with that myself.
Women in this respect easier: hurt - running to tell her husband, perhaps a friend, neighbor pour soul. And it really - it helps. Emotions, condensed in the words, dry quickly to the ground. And that's been driven inwards, zatisnutye in the chest, they are very long poisoned soul, plaguing the nervous system, undermining the strength of the body. Is it any wonder that, according to statistics, men are living significantly fewer women. So whether or not to scold them for their insensitivity, lovely woman? It may be worth their pity? It may be worthwhile to teach a man to navigate the feelings, to introduce him into this world safely and gently, like a small child. Remember: in a world of feelings and an expert guide is exactly you. Therefore, the initiative must come from you.

However, this does not mean that men are less sensitive than women. Often it is just the opposite. However, to adequately express their feelings to men harder. Yes, and Etiquette does not allow. What can I say about this picture: mother in excitement tight hugs and kisses his grown-up daughter who had returned to the prom? Picture an idyllic, does not it? Now imagine in place of mother's father? Um ... There are already questions arise. Or here after viewing the next series of "Just Mary" at the Tiffany's in her eyes - tears. What: it can be understood. Poor Mary ... But if the same picture we see her brother in-law ... Maybe, the roof gone? Sometimes a man would be glad to sympathize with how to calm the weeping wife - but he simply does not know how. "What are you, Lyus, everything is fine" - that's the entire arsenal, which usually has perplexed man before the disaster - the eruption of emotions. So much for the stronger sex. Want to reiterate: women! Take care of men! In the realm of the senses men - the weaker sex! Well, at least, do not blame them for it ...