Calm and quiet again
Of course, it is good when you have a fast response. It will even help save your life, if there is something extraordinary. But in the haste of the relationship to anything. It is better to calmly and rationally think through all, and only then do something. Do not make hasty conclusions and do not take the comments as baseless carping: a critique might be hiding serious problems that can not be simply brushed aside. Perhaps it is time to think: Is not it time to meet your partner?
If you still stubbornly refuse to change anything, you risk severely disappoint your partner. He might get the impression that you are completely indifferent to his opinion. Maybe you never thought that the well-being relationships may affect not only the certain negative traits and bad habits. And if some of the qualities of our nature can successfully fight only we, the habits, which have much in common with the negative qualities, it is easy to fix from the outside.

This implies an important conclusion: in the common life must adhere to peace and tolerance in each negative development. calmness and peace of mind again! " In response to criticism of a close person in your address, try to avoid violent scenes - you better try to draw everything into a joke, promising to fulfill the requirements of the husband . Then, your efforts may not go unnoticed and will be appreciated. Importantly, do not take a hostile reception his remarks, and listen and try to understand it. Here you will exercise, called "TV".
Calm down and relax. Connect your imagination: Imagine if before you found the TV and you see the film, which itself is the main heroine. We agree that their own actions are difficult to assess objectively, but you still try. Imagine a different situation, "movie" and look at the main character - himself - from the side, an open mind.
Remember, because of what your favorite was not happy last time: Let one of the plot of the film will be the situation which in reality has caused you both have negative emotions. Scenes for the film, try to choose those in which the most pronounced your fault. After you take a sheet of paper and write down all the pleasant and unpleasant emotions that cause you to an imaginary screen character, ie you own. Listen for yourself, consider what is on "screen". Probably something in your behavior will seem wrong.
The simplest way to relieve stress - relaxation exercises. Choose a time convenient to sit down, relax. Imagine that there is no force that could now knock you out of the rut. Train up until you feel that you are protected from external influences inner peace. Remember this state. At work and at home think back to it. Soon you will notice that many of the problems will be insignificant or resolvable without negative emotions. But the significant and important will be the pleasant things of life that you have ceased to notice: the sun outside, the voices of children, foggy morning. The more accumulated a good impression of the world, the more stress recedes.