Can I disguise a lie?
Lies, deception and other human vices exist throughout the lifetime of mankind, and of course the people have learned to disguise their true intentions by resorting to lies. However, modern science allows us to study the most complex mental characteristics of man and therefore there are opportunities to disavow the truth. Once again draw your attention to the fact that the problem lies with masking is that our subconscious works automatically and largely independently of our wishes. This automatism, there are pluses and minuses. Positive that when you commit and understanding of the basic emotional expressions we do not need to distract from the sense strand conversation. Negative is that the physiological manifestations, respectively, associated with emotions are not controlled and do not give out our sincerity.
Many emotional distress accompanied by multiple unconditional reaction of the body: heart rate quickens, activates perspiration, increased blood pressure, pupil size changes, the frequency of heart contractions, and how to hide these processes are not clear. Certain occupations are directly related to the necessity of concealing the truth, for example, politicians, actors, lawyers, businessmen encourage people forced and often not even consciously train your body movements, facial expressions, gestures, ability to control the tone of voice. They are specific, "vocational" skills can be developed to such an extent that it is difficult to see.
Can I disguise a lie? " You can train control and management of non-verbal manifestations, and it helps to hide the truth. So, two ways:
1.Otrabotka those gestures, facial expressions, which give credence to what was said, but this is only possible if the targeted practice of lying for a long time.
2.Nauchitsya possible to avoid, eliminate gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice.
Other masks, hiding their true emotional displays grimaces and shocking actions, an example can serve as a style of dialogue, VV Zhirinovsky. He often resorts to such methods, which divert attention from him as interlocutor, from the theme of dialogue, and even from his true attitude to the questions posed. We still do not recall the theme of most discussions of Zhirinovsky with Nemtsov, but splashed in the face of an opponent a glass of water remembers everyone who watched this TV show. You can not remember the differences in facial expressions Zhirinovsky, when he laughs or gets angry, and at the same time, when he bought a bright exterior to gestures and facial expression. It is also clear that speaking the truth helps protect the limited review when it is possible to hide behind a podium or seated at a table to leave visible only the upper part of the body. That is one of the reasons that interrogated the suspect seated in a chair in the center of the room and not at the table, so it was clearly visible. It is characteristic also that the person questioned the man sitting in the middle of the room, but not at the table, he feels "helpless". It is much harder to hide the postures and gestures that can give the Truth Lies. For these reasons, the easiest to lie on the phone!
How to understand that you kidding?
Often, the word companion does not correspond to what he thinks he really is. To understand its internal state, to quickly evaluate the response to your words, you need to own non-verbal language: to be able to read gestures, posture, facial expressions. Possession of non-verbal communication culture also helps to make the right impression on the interlocutor and to fully control the situation. In most cases, the process of communication people are focusing on the face of a partner, companion. And this is justified, facial expressions clearly reflects the human condition, but it carefully and only controlled. Signals are sent over the open eyes. Here are some interesting facts that you may have never thought about:
· Usual, the standard view takes about 10 seconds, while a more prolonged views may mean a call to the interlocutor, anger or desire to embarrass him, but it is quite possible that your inexperienced companion study, looking at you. We often look at those to whom a good attitude who are interested in and whom we respect;
· When people happily excited, his pupils dilate, and when he gets angry or upset - narrow (and this is physiology and not less);
· Speaker usually looks at the less partner than the listener, but a second before the end of the sentence raises his eyes. Use this feature for the unobtrusive study buddy;
· Squinting eyes reflect the intense concentration;
· Close their eyes while talking normally for careful deliberation and thus express their agreement, understanding or excessive irritation;
• If answering the question of your interlocutor looks up the left and up and thinks - a sure sign that he's going to lie (the exception - the source lefty). If, however, looks up the right and upwards, it means trying to remember;
• People who respect each other and are configured to cooperate, stretch out your hands for a handshake right, their handshake is strong, confident and at the same time flexible, adapt to a partner;
· When a person seeks to "keep your distance", he offers to shake hands only the tips of the fingers;
· Calm, confident man differs straightened, smooth shoulders, lifted his head freely;
· Party to the conversation, interested in the topic of what is happening, usually sits on the edge of a chair, leaning forward and slightly bent his head to one side. In this case, there are some subtleties: If you want to avoid tension buddy, put him in the armchair in which he will be hard to take hard stance (solid back, gripped his shoulders);
• In the event that a person is telling the truth, his attitude is usually a direct, natural, relaxed, without too much bending;
· Open palm, turned toward the interlocutor, or unbuttoned his jacket to show openness;
• People tend to hide a lie, cough (of course this does not apply to situations when your companion is ill);
Remember these manifestations, you will be able to more accurately identify the true intentions and goals of others. Indicative and that the distance that keep the sides. The optimum distance between the conversation from 1 to 3 meters. If the sides talking while standing, then the maximum distance is reduced to 2 meters. Deliberate reduction in the distance will be perceived as a desire to exert pressure, which in turn will cause anxiety and discomfort. Too much distance makes communication more aloof and passive. If the sides are angled 90 degrees, they are able to think and act independently. Frontal position facing each other implies antagonism, rivalry.
Prefer to sit next to people discuss and develop common solutions that sit on the contrary tend to oppose their own views, to a lesser extent showing interest to the thoughts of the interlocutor. If the other person tends to sit sideways, we can say with some certainty assume that he is hostile. If anyone of the participants in the conversation loses interest in it and ready to leave, he often turns in the direction of the nearest exit, or glanced at his watch. These observations are quite a lot and they are present in the vast majority of people, making them an effective "tool" in understanding the interlocutor.