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Can not change your circumstances change your attitude towards them

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Can not change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them

There is nothing more effective than the daily workout of successful interaction with people at school or work. Please note, in what mood you wake up, when the working day ahead. What feelings do you call the thought of work, people? If you are not very pleasant, we urgently need to do something about it. But not necessarily shoot from the hip and tear down what has already been constructed. Analyze what you do not like. The reason may be in the little things that are easy to change. Bad view from the window, uncomfortable chair, and even hairstyle colleagues - for all its seeming absurdity of these reasons can easily turn into a real-time verification of the nervous system to the test. It's time to remember the wise thought: " You can not change the circumstances, change your attitude towards them . "

How? You decide. The window blinds can be hung, a colleague at a convenient hand over the phone of your stylist, and a chair and do can be replaced by a new or old to buy a comfortable cushion. The main thing is to do it right now, not shelving them. If you have a department does not ladyatsya relationships with colleagues, try to win their position or move to another department, if the size of the firm permit. But go to another department to increase, with head held high. Star in another not. If you are in conflict with the boss to become his right-hand, personal assistant and confidant. Believe me, nothing is impossible for an experienced NLP-ers. Remember: you can not defeat the enemy - to unite with him? And then begin to seek to oust chief and take his place. In such a situation, forget about the second position: "It's awkward, unethical, and the people that say?" By the hands of the barbarians themselves against the barbarians!

Well, if your problems are more substantial and razrulivat they did not have any moral and physical strength, then off the fears and decided on the more serious action. Start by finding a new job. Read the ads, send a resume to the firm in which you want to get a seat. Tell all your friends and family that are looking for work. As you know, who are looking for, will always find! And the universe must respond and help. You just need to really want to.
Life Style
Decide for yourself what you want - serious or light and sound and no non-binding relationship. Perhaps better times a year to think about marriage than every day of the divorce? Do not let the routine and monotony. Show your imagination, turn every encounter into a small celebration. Your efforts are sure to bear fruit. Even the most stable relationship must be diluted with fresh waves of feelings. Let the candlelight dinner, theater tickets, a joint diving, evening massage will be enjoyable traditions of your pair.

And if you're still in search of second half, do not despair, because the most exciting for you ahead. But beneath lies a stone, as we know, no water flow. You must be willing to meet with the fate of every minute! Improve your communication skills and often go out. And when you feel that this meeting was fateful - do not mind it. Down with fear! Take your love for the boarding, because loving each other is necessary, yet reduces the jaws and knees are shaking. Love sincerely, truly and completely. Because, when once it becomes clear that everything was to be incredibly painful and sad for the rest of stupidly saved is a mad, wonderful, magical "love." I know that all the intrigues and love affairs afoot for one thing - trying to be happy ...


Family gives a sense of confidence, a sense of security and stability of tomorrow. Family provides synchronization of biorhythms partners and adjusts the body weaker health partner under stronger. Medical studies show that people living in solitude, in 3-5 times more likely to get sick and die before the deadline. Conjugal love - an effective cure for many diseases. Regular sex prolongs life and improves health, relieves any pain and normalizes the menstrual cycle. Mutual trust, relationship interests, tactile communication, the ability to speak out and be heard, a joint labor and material stability - all that is necessary for anyone to feel good and peace of mind. All this for many years ensures a full, healthy family.

The ancient Greeks, a myth of the androgyne - self-contained man, combines features of both sexes. That it is not caught up in the power of the gods, Zeus, the Thunderer androgyne split in two. Since then, scattered throughout the world half the people seeking each other, trying to reunite. We are looking for a suitable partner to take over the set - hair and eye color, voice, facial expressions, heart rate, smell, energy, which surrounds it. When we were close to his half, time flies, and the romantic prospect of living happily and die in one day does not seem silly and unrealistic. We are beginning to glow from within with happiness and tranquility are in harmony with your inner self and the outside world.

But no matter how well we have not thought and not calculated, this ideal vase one can give a crack ... and then you realize that life is damn similar to the photo album, where a successful picture is not more than unfortunate. And those and others about fifty-fifty. While we live with a person and believe that we need it, we meticulously meticulously choose the good memories and pictures to put them in a photo album, which scrolls before bedtime and show friends. A bad shots is set aside for them to find an excuse, but do not throw away, but carefully cherish, because life - a strange thing, and we still have these shots may be needed. When? Why? After a gap that will need to justify to themselves. That's when we'll get all the bad images of our memories, we insert them into the album, we will peep at bedtime and to show a friend ... Then we realize that marriage was a trial, ridiculous, stupid, unnecessary ... But where is the evidence? Yes here they are - in a photo album of our memories. Where have gone nice shots? Yes, they are simply not there! Never! Where is it? Somewhere in the middle, the middle of our lies to ourselves about ourselves.
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