Can we live without a crisis?
Life is full of big and small crises, and they occur regularly: the crisis of identity, the crisis of family relations, the crisis in the business, the crisis of society, a crisis in relations between the countries, financial, economic and social crises, and others. People often do not realize that they are in one way or another crisis. And many are in crisis all my life, never suspecting that it is possible to live differently. Resigned to the constant presence of crises so that they are an integral part of evolution, people are plowing "door" through which their lives and enter the problem. Many are in crisis all my life, never suspecting that it is possible to live differently. Resigned to the constant presence of crises so that they are an integral part of evolution, people are plowing "door" through which their lives and enter the problem.
Many of us are ready to accept the possible arrival of a global crisis that will destroy civilization and humanity and Earth itself. And now they are preparing for another "doomsday" ... And I suggest readers look at life differently - and whether we can live without crises? To answer this question, we need to look at all the crises and their causes are much deeper . The more so by analyzing the evolving situation, we have reason to deeply explore the theme of crisis. The financial crisis that originated in one country and started an avalanche-like spread throughout the world, affects other areas of life. We see that the financial crisis affects the production, business and political relations. In the crisis are simple people, businesses, corporations and even the state. But it's the visible part of life. We will try to consider other aspects of this process.
There are no accidents ...
To begin with, there is nothing accidental in life does not happen. The current crisis has its own foundation. We will not cover the visible causes, which economists say, politicians, and journalists. We look deeper and come out the root cause of all crises. But before we embark on this, one must understand that this or that crisis does not occur by itself. He always interconnected with other crises. For example, the financial crisis is always accompanied by crises in other areas of life. In particular, it must accompany the social, spiritual and cultural crises ...
Getting all the crises in man
Knowing that the man is the measure of all things, what man creates life, and, of course, the crises, we must look into these depths, look at the man himself. After all, it originated and all crises! And when we consider from this point of view, with the necessary depth of understanding, we have opened a complete picture of the crises. Only then will the relationship of all crises, from personal to global, will be apparent. Today's crisis is even more interesting because it occurs early in the new millennium, at the beginning of a new era. This is the first big crisis, which may be the last, and perhaps again in the near future.
Everything depends on us: if we got scared, falling into a panic, let us make stupid, the crisis will certainly come back, so we still learned a lesson. But there is another variant of the situation - on the principle of "not so important to the event itself, as a way out of it." You quietly translating the problem to the rank of the problem, identify the causes of the difficulties to find a solution - and things are moving in a different scenario. I invite you all to go along the second path.
This is the first big crisis, which may be the last, and perhaps again in the near future. Everything depends on us: if we got scared, falling into a panic, let us make stupid, the crisis will certainly come back, so we still learned a lesson. But there is another variant of the situation - on the principle of "not so important to the event itself, as a way out of it" ...
I have no doubt that the person is able to understand the causes of any problem and get rid of it. Unbearable for us, problems do not exist. There are many known examples of people learning from crises and more they do not fall. Generally, any repetition occurs only when a person is bad learned the first lesson. This happens in all walks of life. And in the development of personality, and in the financial field. So, if we are with you now see reason, recognize them, will be able to go to another plane of life - without crises.
Once again, we see the crisis as a whole, in all its dimensions - and personal, and family, and community. In each of these are the same principles. It is very important now, at the beginning of the conversation, mention that, by studying the economic crisis, we solve with you not only their personal problems. In considering any question, we must understand that we always act big, even if not aware of it. Let's take the crisis as a lesson, being present where we understand that each person should strive to become globally minded, ambitious person. Let us learn to see themselves earthlings, are responsible for everything that happens on our planet.