Can you spoil the child?
The word "pampering" sits firmly in the mind of every parent. The expression "spoiled child" can be heard swearing, but in the phrase "his parents are pampered - condemnation. From the earliest days of the child's parents in every way try not to spoil his heir. And sometimes cold upbringing looks horrific. In the next ward hospital with me was a strict mother. Her firstborn was crying how much in vain for days, and she with a straight face after feeding sent it to the cradle. On the issue of nurse why she does not swing it in her arms, she replied: "I do not want to spoil." It's about the kid two days old! Perturbation of the nurses there were no limits: "Give the heat until it is small, and themselves enjoy motherhood, you are not going to wear it on his hands when he is fifteen years." But the young mother went on their iron upbringing.
There, in the hospital, in a conspicuous place informational posters hung on the difficulties of care for premature babies. Here's what caught my attention: "Needless to say, mom of a child born prematurely, it is very difficult to meet all the requirements, which makes her life. However, efforts will be rewarded. Already a two-year, most premature babies catch up with their peers. Often, doctors and parents are witnessing an amazing phenomenon: a child begins to age for many traits, even greater than other children. Affects attention and developmental steps: the nature of the child's body responds to them with gratitude and takes a powerful impetus to the formation.
Indulge love, attention, care - an approach close to the eastern culture. Children are perceived as little kings, worn on the hands are placed next to bed, do not give a reason for crying, did not see anything wrong in the close connection of mother and child. Western society is committed to other methods of education, colder, excluding self-indulgence. Can you spoil the child? " Anyway, how to educate children - you decide. Still, if you love your child, give him time in which he can enjoy the boundless love and care. We come from childhood, shock from the cold attitudes of parents are able to leave an indelible mark on the character of an adult. Close creativity and desire for soul-searching on free thinking and self-pity. Pamper your baby a good attitude can and should be! Be attentive to the needs of the child, not to exclude him from family relationships and society, not to restrict children's horizons beyond "it is impossible, impossible, impossible." In Japan, children under five do not speak the word, replacing it, to "dangerous", "dirty", "bad". Such training is called a charge. Attachment to the mother also will not play a bad role in the upbringing of the child. Conversely, the stronger the emotional contact between mother and child, the more a child feels a sense of guilt and remorse, if the mother gives trouble.
The two extremes - the severity and permissiveness are bad for health and academic performance of children. There is a predisposition to such disease as early obesity, for such traits as risky behavior. Most preferably, according to the researchers, is the so-called "responsible" parenting style, when, without ceasing to control the behavior of a child whose parents closely related to his wishes and requests.
In our society, a reference to the wishes of the child is still considered pampering. However, times have changed, and now many parents are beginning to realize that education must follow the following principles: to promote knowledge through the awakening of interest in the baby, bring character, foster creativity and various skills. Trusting, close relationship of the child and parents helps develop the child in society.