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Career Opportunities

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Career Opportunities

Do you work in any organization, but the position you occupy, you are not satisfied. Requires an increase in wages or promotions (and to a certain place). To make a career note a few tips:

1.Budte prepared for the fact that you have to be retrained. Tell the boss that you're just dreaming about it.

2.Pozabottes about how to get your innovative proposals are concise and informative.

3.Zapomnite: self-confidence - that once felt in person, so do not let the boss to question your confidence.

4.If the way to its goal you have achieved some results, do not stop there, go ahead.

5.Chtoby enhance their reputation, help other councils and deeds.

6.Ne afraid to take risks, and only then will you know what it can do.

7.Nuzhno clearly understand what it means to success in that business that you do. For example, if you work in the trade, then your employer you could find a profitable customer or supplier.

8.Ne be selfish, not beyond the pale, do not turn up their noses in front of colleagues or you will never be invited to participate in collective projects and you can not show himself.

9.Nikogda not finish any sentence enhanced voice. Might give the impression that you're not very confident. When you konstatiruete any fact, the lower the better voice - it will attract attention.

10.Sozdayte a reputation as someone who takes criticism well, the bosses you will appreciate, and therefore, you will have more chances to get another, more challenging work.
11.Chasto bosses in a conversation with his subordinates does not finish the sentence, interrupting. Employer to listen to your suggestions, tell me something like this: "Please, let me finish the sentence." Politeness in conversation - your success.

12.Podderzhivayte meet people who interest you and which you may find useful in your future endeavors. With some people you can talk to just three or four times a year, but when you need to contact them for help, you will not feel uncomfortable.

13.Ne suggest that all the failures in his career only by his inability to explain. Always be ready for the inevitable, and you will not only defeated, but even a win.

14.Nikogda not gossip, or your luck, and especially the failure will be vigorously debated.

15.Ne hesitate to ask if something does not understand. After receiving an explanation, thank the boss, and he left a good impression on you. Not in your favor would be silent for lack of understanding of a job. Especially since this will affect the result.

16.Regulyarno ask yourself what goals you set for yourself, whether you are ready to assume more responsibility than is currently available.

17.Izbegayte reproach himself in public that you lack knowledge. Instead, make sure that all drew attention to the excellent work done.

18.Ukreplyayte relations with superiors. You will see firsthand what benefits it will bring to you.

Cadres decide everything. Even the most unready of dealers from time to time visit the thoughts pour into the team under him fresh troops loyal to him or to strengthen the administrative apparatus. Talented professionals from the sky did not fall down. Therefore, they should grow or where a lure. Your task - to catch that happy moment. And it needs to enter into a trust relationship with employees of competing firms (it is not difficult if you have to communicate with them on the job) and to continuously learn about what's new with them. Once you learn that your friend's boss took it into his head to take the job "fresh" specialist, present yourselves in all its glory in front of him, until your initiative is not intercepted by others. If you have many years sat in the home and firm about what you a valuable employee, so no one guessed, even though you have made every effort to urgently looking for another.

The search for new work should begin with attempts to get what you missed on previous work. You should not put the chief an ultimatum: "Either you raise wages, or I'm leaving." You definitely get a waiver in this case go away with the scandal, but who knows, maybe good relations with the former employer to you on another occasion. After the scandal could break up rumors that you're not a very good professional, flippantly referring to the work. If you do not see prospects at your present job and the salary is poor (and it is the best no promises), talk frankly with their boss. It is clear that his reluctance to go to meet you says that he is ready to leave you. Try to pronounce such a speech: "I've been working for this company, and very devoted to her. But, unfortunately, my life plans adjusted circumstances. If you see fit, then I recommend to my friends. " Do not be afraid to anger the chief, it will not. Now many people create all sorts of associations, corporations, pools. And have there own man to your boss would be beneficial (especially since you pre-declare their loyalty and willingness to continue working at the firm).
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