Career or personal life
Work often becomes a cause of health loss, and even life. More and more cases when because of work, business, money, broken relationships in families, with relatives, with friends ... most often the activities of people and destroys the nature of the Earth's interior, creates a man-made disaster ... In a business often deception, exploitation, aggression, corruption , crimes ... As a rule, in the process of people getting worse. With the rare exception. All this and created a human image, which is opposed to life. And this opposition exists for thousands of years. In the process of man is destroying not only themselves, but also many other people, large groups, adding to its fate. Thus, it has the responsibility of everyone working under him people.
And the man has to be matched this, quite a significant part of his life with basic life flow. And they are incompatible, moving in opposite directions. In a person starts an internal struggle - his are committed to freedom and love, and the external activities of forces to be unfree, to deceive, to act aggressively to fight with rivals to create weapons, selling drugs, alcohol, tobacco, substandard food and medicine ... This internal duality destroys human and affects the rest of life. The work takes a person from the family and makes it difficult to build a harmonious relationship. Family live under the laws of love (to live!), And the work - according to an entirely different principles. During the transition from work to family man has to switch from one state to another, but it is not always possible. And then the atmosphere of coming home ...
Especially detrimental impact has activities for women. They lose their femininity, and of their lives go masculinity and men. And now the family lives and the laws work ... and quickly destroyed. Gradually, the evil, coming from work, gets into other spheres of life and destroys them. But in the work of busy, creative people, with an active lifestyle, that is the color of humanity! What comes to this active portion of the population, a world which does not comply with the laws of life? Disease, problems to early withdrawal from life ... People with light heads and a pure heart, seeking to make their activities a good, useful to themselves and the people. Very often, they, like Don Quixote, who throw themselves into battle with the windmills. And suffering defeat after defeat. Each day thousands of new firms, and almost as close. But people do not calm down.
Faced with the negative aspects of business, they are thinking and begin to search for a way out of this situation. Now offers a lot of different approaches to the construction business, stable and long-lived firms. But ... again and again obtained as usual. Some, trapped in this brutal maelstrom, people manage to swim to the surface. But they are faced with another problem - a large business had long been divided: the raw materials and markets ... There are few companies that control the global economy and finance, and strictly follow the competitors up to the physical elimination.
Career or personal life?
Most often, people put themselves faced with a choice: career or personal life , good wages or self-actualization, work or family? Such a situation was untenable, but people say to themselves: "Since the world works, nothing can be done, we must choose." It's time to think: well there really a way of the world? Suggests the unity of the world, the responsibility of each person for their lives and their happiness. Thoughts are sealed, there is a literature on "new era", a new lifestyle, return once discounted the notion of human dignity, faith and love.
Now a new era, and this can not be overlooked. In going into the third millennium time to accelerate so much that many people simply do not fit into it and find themselves on the side or below the life ... keep up with things very simple, but how many opportunities open! How now, literature, various trainings and seminars - to develop and grow. But here's where to grow? In what direction? Get a second and third degree? Finish prestigious courses? And give it the desired effect? Why is the richest and most successful people ended up more often than not the most prestigious universities? Often they do not have higher education. Why study? On the other hand, something pushes us to obtain new knowledge ...
This is the elusive "something", sending a man to ever new heights, is in the spiritual realm. In that invisible, intangible, but having a huge impact on human life area. When I was director of the company, a communist with eighteen years of experience, and hence, an atheist, discovered the spiritual sphere, then realized - all of what I have achieved over forty years of active life, all knowledge is only a few percent of what is already in world. I plunged into the unknown to me before the space and opened up many entirely new. Started a new life! Human life, self-aware, people, life. How great it is - to see the essence of things, the causes of events! After all, before you open a huge, really endless possibilities. You get to live happily as a master of his life.