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Careers in the womans life

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Careers in the woman's life

More recently, newspapers and magazines urged women to "think about their destiny", "return to the family"; argued that his career would never make the fairer sex is truly happy. And today, the seeds of propaganda gave shoots: the modern girl, planning their future, openly saying that the main purpose of their life - to marry a secured rights to not work and stay home, do you. But is it really necessary to a woman to give up work, indulge in self-realization, in professional success and hide behind that "brick wall", which she offers betrothed, in addition to hand and heart? What do you mean a career woman's life ?

First, in any case we must not forget that any wall may eventually collapse and flatten the one that hid behind it. Secondly, the life of housewives in this country is not so fun and easy. Not without reason in the West, this social group of people (a considerable, among others) believe that the most vulnerable to stress. Abroad are worried about the psychological state of women engaged in household work, aware that their state of health (mental, primarily) affects the health and welfare of working spouses, children's success, the moral climate of the country as a whole.
That's why housewives are trying to engage in social activities, actively offer them to spend some free time to communicate in clubs, sports clubs and similar public institutions and organizations. As for us, if you are - a housewife, it is doomed to confinement within the four walls of his house, which can vary only forays into shops and market, as well as a rare communion with the ever-busy working friends. Perhaps that is why our women want to work, even if they know that the efforts and problems after release, for example, from maternity leave to add that would be incredibly difficult to remember what she knew and was able to two or three years ago. So, perhaps, historically, that for the Russian women work - it is something much more than just a job. This service clubs, and cafes, and offices for the exchange of experiences.

Women are at work far more features of his personality, rather than required by the manufacturing process, and the reward for her is not only and not just wages. Acquisition becomes the main communication, a variety of impressions (the sides, circumstances, situations change each other with a frequency of running a film projector, make life event-driven, interesting, busy) life experience. Many women work makes a really happy, because there they are perceived as a person as a person endowed with certain abilities, skills and possessing the necessary skills or at least enough to get noticed, called the "counterpart" and not "large-size kitchen laundry-shearer. "

Make friends with the new team, establish relations with the chief, to be able to stay there, where is sometimes brutal, tough fight for survival, for the post, where reigns the health, or something really must be confessed, often unhealthy competition, learn to survive in conditions of mutual fault-finding very difficult . And so to make a career even more difficult to take a leadership position - generally, from the realm of fantasy. Nevertheless, it is this and is engaged in a large part of the adult female population: receiving a good education, work, takes possession of the prestigious professions, is fond of careerism (this new sport is extremely venturesome, traumatic, semi-officially endorsed by the society, but not yet included in the number of Olympic) directs.

"Can a woman be a good boss? That's really not! Inability to think not that big, but generally on their own, hysterical, illogical behavior, which someone described as "mysterious" and other purely feminine things - where to become a leader "- that is the stereotype, who settled in the minds of many men. It is known that men are much easier to establish itself as a leader, because the dominant position of men are perceived as more traditional. Being first and foremost in all things, guide - is a male prerogative! One way or another, but against the head of a female employee of the other women often allow themselves to aggressive attacks, they are biased in evaluating its behavior and guidance. Men were subordinate to the women often feel humiliated by having to follow the instructions of the fairer sex, as well as compensation for infringement of a kind of self-esteem is used psihozaschitu (simpler and easier to say take vengeance on their own): sarcastic remarks, ostentatious indulgence. But life itself, the modern reality proves that the female head has undeniable advantages.
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