Caress her man
In order to locate the man to himself, set it on a positive, make easily manageable, you can "caress" your potential "victim". The term "stroke" psychologists understand not only touching, but also other psychological techniques that can cause positive emotions. You can use these techniques to your partner you have found the support and the support and, therefore, became to trust you. Manipulating the man you enter it into thinking that it performs your request in good faith, he did not realize that you control them. That is why the hidden control does not fit the authoritarian practices, such as shouting and orders, and techniques that are in the science of manipulation is called "stroking." So, caress her man :
1.Poddakivanie. You can support a man in his utterances, to pretend that share his point of view. For example, you must agree with him when he starts to scold his boss, who supposedly did not appreciate such an indispensable employee. Be assured that it will begin to feel comfortable in your company, will take you to the person to whom you can trust.
2.Ispolzuyte in communion with the man a friendly gesture. For example, cotton shoulder, hugging, wink. As a unique way to show a friendly attitude, you can use a friendly handshake, which can be a little longer, as a strong sign of respect. You can also use the friendly pats on the shoulder. This is the most neutral ways to show affection and caring that will help you to gain the interlocutor, to then work on it a word. If you want to discourage a man and not afraid to seem a bit frivolous, then you can use the more intimate "strokes": for example, when a handshake can gently tickle the inside of the palm of your contact or try to fix his tie.

3.Zastupites him if someone tries it somehow to blame. The ultimate example: your mom upbraids his son-in for the fact that he still has not finished repairs. If you try to support it, then your spouse will see you in spite of all the enemy and even longer to finish it. Literate only to side with your husband: "What do you all have stuck to it? He - well done. " A man realizes that you are on his side. And after talking with my mother you're able to offer complete repairs to spite all those who did not believe him.
4.Upotreblyayte proper name of your contact. For the man sound of his name - it's the best compliment. If you're referring to the man who will call his name, he will feel for you more confidence and sympathy.