Casting on wax - treatment of fear
One of the most effective ways to treat fear - casting the wax. We have previously talked about the casting as a way to recognition and treatment of deterioration and the evil eye. Now you know how it is done casting fear.
Thus, fear is poured into the water with the use of melted wax and conspiracy. Instead of wax are also used church candles. They melted in order to get a lot of 150-200g. Need dishes, where you pour 2-3 liters of water. Best for this purpose, use a large cup, enameled or aluminum, with a diameter of 300 mm. Water should be cold, no pita bread. This may be the water from the pure stream, well or tap, but in any case not from a bucket, from just drinking water. Thus, the wax is warmed in a mug, the water produced. Patient seated at the door facing the door (if an adult, it seated on a small stool so that you can comfortably hold the cup over his head). Hold the cup over the patient's head, slowly pour the wax back and read:
Mother stood on the mountains of Zion, Mount of Olives in churches, driven from God's slave (name) fear. Fear, fright, go away to a meadow, a moss, a swamp, the curves for aspen. Get out, jump out of violent fellow, of a ruddy face, from the zealous heart, made of thin ruchonochek of frisky nozhenek of thick curls of bright eyes, from the lived inland from the exterior veins, from the strong muscles of the yellow bones of red blood , of the thoughts of doom. Pour passion pour fears pour out fear. Mother of God prays to God, God's slave (name) from fear saves. Angels are with you, Mother of God with you, the Lord is with thee. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read the water over the head of the affected nine times.
Before starting the procedure, you should turn to God in prayer "Our Father." After graduation, as in the first cast, you can immediately see the results of his labor - it is necessary to turn the wax. Then the wax is going back into the cup (it can be used for a long time), water is poured under a tree in the yard or garden.
Sessions conducted three, six or nine times, depending on the degree of fear. As healing wax immediately becomes as smooth as the top. If after a nine-time jitters did not pass, we should take a small break and repeat sessions.
On the day you can hold two sessions: morning and evening, at morning and evening dawn. Only during the second session, you need to read another conspiracy:
Go to sleep with the angels, with the archangels, get up with the glow of dawn and wash the Gods dew. I will, bless, go and crossed the fields, forest, to the ends of roads, for tridesyat rivers to okiyan-Sea. At okiyan-sea sailing white stone on it the church of stone, in the church of rock golden throne, on it the angels serve serve God, pray for God's servant (name). Allowances, Lord, send, O Lord, deliver us, freedom of God's servant (name), take off all her fears, fright, alarm, anxiety, grave thoughts, thoughts vazhkie. Lord nigh drove fear, prayer, giving. Amen. Amen. Amen.
If you do cast quite small (kreschenomu!) baby, you better read the following plot:
Pristrek, pristrek, come out of the hands, of feet, fear, fright, go to the dry prairie, jumped out, Jump out of the head of the veins of podzhilok from podprozhilok, from the whole body of white servant of God (name). I fear you scared, gray dog room, lean black kite, a prehensile claws grab, will take away, taken away in the dark forests of the swamps, to throw myself under a stump, under deck, under the black water. Lie down, not turned over to us do not come back. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Treatment of fear accompanied by freedom from other diseases. For example, very often the cause of incontinence in children is fear. In this case, try the above method. I know the case when the four boys had to do three sessions of nine times, that is fear poured twenty-seven times. The boy is healthy, the doctors did not require intervention. The patient at once shift is towards improvement. Adult or child in this night will sleep soundly. You can use the day of treatment experience severe malaise, which will be the stronger, the more frightened. To protect yourself, do not forget about protecting and try to yawn during the entire ritual.
One of the most effective ways to treat fear - casting the wax. We have previously talked about the casting as a way to recognition and treatment of deterioration and the evil eye. Now you know how it is done casting fear.
Thus, fear is poured into the water with the use of melted wax and conspiracy. Instead of wax are also used church candles. They melted in order to get a lot of 150-200g. Need dishes, where you pour 2-3 liters of water. Best for this purpose, use a large cup, enameled or aluminum, with a diameter of 300 mm. Water should be cold, no pita bread. This may be the water from the pure stream, well or tap, but in any case not from a bucket, from just drinking water. Thus, the wax is warmed in a mug, the water produced. Patient seated at the door facing the door (if an adult, it seated on a small stool so that you can comfortably hold the cup over his head). Hold the cup over the patient's head, slowly pour the wax back and read:
Mother stood on the mountains of Zion, Mount of Olives in churches, driven from God's slave (name) fear. Fear, fright, go away to a meadow, a moss, a swamp, the curves for aspen. Get out, jump out of violent fellow, of a ruddy face, from the zealous heart, made of thin ruchonochek of frisky nozhenek of thick curls of bright eyes, from the lived inland from the exterior veins, from the strong muscles of the yellow bones of red blood , of the thoughts of doom. Pour passion pour fears pour out fear. Mother of God prays to God, God's slave (name) from fear saves. Angels are with you, Mother of God with you, the Lord is with thee. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read the water over the head of the affected nine times.
Before starting the procedure, you should turn to God in prayer "Our Father." After graduation, as in the first cast, you can immediately see the results of his labor - it is necessary to turn the wax. Then the wax is going back into the cup (it can be used for a long time), water is poured under a tree in the yard or garden.
Sessions conducted three, six or nine times, depending on the degree of fear. As healing wax immediately becomes as smooth as the top. If after a nine-time jitters did not pass, we should take a small break and repeat sessions.
On the day you can hold two sessions: morning and evening, at morning and evening dawn. Only during the second session, you need to read another conspiracy:
Go to sleep with the angels, with the archangels, get up with the glow of dawn and wash the Gods dew. I will, bless, go and crossed the fields, forest, to the ends of roads, for tridesyat rivers to okiyan-Sea. At okiyan-sea sailing white stone on it the church of stone, in the church of rock golden throne, on it the angels serve serve God, pray for God's servant (name). Allowances, Lord, send, O Lord, deliver us, freedom of God's servant (name), take off all her fears, fright, alarm, anxiety, grave thoughts, thoughts vazhkie. Lord nigh drove fear, prayer, giving. Amen. Amen. Amen.
If you do cast quite small (kreschenomu!) baby, you better read the following plot:
Pristrek, pristrek, come out of the hands, of feet, fear, fright, go to the dry prairie, jumped out, Jump out of the head of the veins of podzhilok from podprozhilok, from the whole body of white servant of God (name). I fear you scared, gray dog room, lean black kite, a prehensile claws grab, will take away, taken away in the dark forests of the swamps, to throw myself under a stump, under deck, under the black water. Lie down, not turned over to us do not come back. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Treatment of fear accompanied by freedom from other diseases. For example, very often the cause of incontinence in children is fear. In this case, try the above method. I know the case when the four boys had to do three sessions of nine times, that is fear poured twenty-seven times. The boy is healthy, the doctors did not require intervention. The patient at once shift is towards improvement. Adult or child in this night will sleep soundly. You can use the day of treatment experience severe malaise, which will be the stronger, the more frightened. To protect yourself, do not forget about protecting and try to yawn during the entire ritual.