Casual flirting increases the release of aphrodisiacs!
What influences the success in business, health, flirting? What is the mechanism of attraction of opposite sexes? Why do we sometimes feel an inexplicable craving, longing to be with a girl? Both in terms of physiology this is happening? Why do some perfumes smell strongly attracts and intoxicate head girls? Maybe the whole thing in pheromones? This biologically active substances. They cause sexual attraction and desire in both sexes. Scientists have found that these substances are produced by the adrenal glands and are excreted through the tip of the nose and armpit. Every person has a specific organ, detecting pheromones.
Doctors call it "vomeronosalnym body, or body Jacobson. This body is in front of the nasal cavity. He goes his nerve fibers in the hypothalamus - a brain regions responsible for the production of reproductive hormones, puberty, states of joy, excitement and fun. Any woman, like any man, identifies pheromones. But among different kinds of pheromones have. One group of doctors called sex pheromones aphrodisiacs. They are required to search, pattern recognition and attract healthy individuals of the opposite sex. They help us to tune in to the major mood, calm down, they cause sexual desire, sexual availability, affect the level of hormones. About 14% of men have the ability to provide another strong sex pheromone "androstenol. This type of pheromone very attractive women. Those who allocates it more, enjoy huge success with the fairer sex.

He released the adrenal glands in both men and women. It does not cause genuine sexual arousal, but is strongly attracted. It is believed that he creates a feeling of sympathy, love at first sight. Is it possible to influence the selection of the hormone itself? When a man is in spirit and is put on women's attention from a lot of communication and contacts with women, even daily flirt, he has increased the allocation of this pheromone, which is why women are burning with such a positive love womanizer. Casual flirting increases the release of aphrodisiacs!
You're his fortune, or rather, pheromones, easily brought forth any woman into a positive and good attitude to communicate with a man. In addition to pheromones body of any person selects repellents and attractants. Repellents are substances, which drive people to form negative attitudes of others. These substances are allocated when the body is exhausted, the person feels very tired, izmotannost work. Stress, illness and disorders contribute to the development of these substances. Attractants are substances that attract the people around them. Their isolation contributes to a positive background of life. Positive thinking, good mood and health, good health and good spirits, good attitude towards others, love, love is also strongly contribute to the development of attractants attracting people around and reduce the production of repellents.
That is why training in flirting with the girls so much of any charges the man and affects the success of his life and career. That's why a womanizer so simple and have attracted to itself any other person, and this is reflected in their success in life and business. Just communicate and successful flirting with each new girl stimulates positive state and affects the production of attractants, which in turn attracts the people around them, friends and relatives. And after a man gets on the road daily flirt, people around him begin to see in him a strong positive changes and tell him compliments.
Many men and women who began practicing daily flirt with strangers, talk about their career moves and business, and in life. And all this thanks to our physiology, which is so arranged. That's why when you start dating a man so important to a positive internal state, a positive attitude and good spirits, good health. Even if you say something, repellents and attractants are already operating on the people around them. And you are much easier to adjust positively to yourself around people when you are in a cheerful mood.
Therefore, the state - a very important element of influence on people around them. Change of state influence on the selection of repellents and attractants, good Majeure condition contributes to the development of sex pheromones - androstenola and other aphrodisiacs. Then attract the opposite sex becomes much easier. Can you draw a conclusion. Your health is strongly reflected in your success with the opposite sex. More precisely, one of the components of success - on the condition of which we are now talking about. And your success with the opposite sex affects the health and careers.