Cat The Furry Mascot
Cat always walks in itself. In contrast to the loyal dog that souls do not chayut in its host, the cat will agree only on equitable interaction. The maximum that can allow a cat person - to be her friend, but not the owner. Do cats highly developed sense of dignity, it will not be as loyal dog to tolerate a bad mood home, do not disturb this proud self-esteem "ladies", because it will release its claws!
Since ancient times relevant to these animals was quite ambiguous. In Islam, the black cats embody the jinn, which in Islamic tradition mean the same thing as a Christian demons. The Celts also did not like these animals, because they were considered the embodiment of evil. But the most negative image of the cats got through representations of witches and sorcerers. Since it is a cat and not dog became darlings of wizards and witches, they have become associated with something evil, bearing bad energy. About cats really do not know as much as we would like, it is believed that they appeared in Egypt and there, unlike in many other countries, these creatures worshiped.
A cat can be a good friend?
Since time immemorial, most devoted friend was a dog person, but for some reason, for many millennia, cats have not won the title of loyal and faithful. The reason was not that fond of cats less than dogs or consider them unable to manifest loyalty, just the cat has long been perceived by a person not only as pets, they are often associated with the other world. That's why it was thought that this animal, despite the fact that it lives in the family - as if apart from the others.
In mythology, cats were associated with the underworld, and in Russia was accompanied by a cat Slavic god of wealth and the underworld, as well as all wild animals - Veles. Therefore, cats considered sacred animals, and been connected with them a lot of ceremonies. They are revered and feared, because they believed that cats can protect family and home, but if a cat angry - maybe death didst send to the owners. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the cats are not used the status of "true friend".
Amazing rite was connected with the housewarming. It was believed that the spirit of the new buildings without offering a family that will live in this house, waiting for disaster. The first allowed across the threshold of a cat, so how exactly does this animal was associated with the god of wealth and prosperity Vélez. Thus, the cat took care of all the vicissitudes of life and takes them from the owners.
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Black cats were considered to Russ homes ovinnikami, they had power over fire. Therefore, to save, your ovinnik fire the owners of factories black cat. With fire cat was linked not only in Russia but also in Germany. True, in contrast to the Slavic peoples, where homes ovinnika venerated in Germany, three-color cat simply could throw into the fire, since according to myth she could extinguish the fire. True, and in Slavic beliefs often getting any of the cats. If a case is sort of an epidemic or plague, in order to appease Vélez did plow the protective line around the village and dug a furrow live cat.
But most certainly got the black cats. The black color was considered a diabolical, magical, unclean. With the spread of Christianity to the poor animals had to be tight at all, as black and furry animals were nothing more than the devil incarnate, the devil. Black cats as witches and burned alive. In medieval Europe, on Easter Thursday and oil especially black cats were caught, to burn.
So who is the cat - the devil or angel?
But, thank God, is not always and not everywhere unfortunate animals were thrown into the fire. And, despite the fact that in an era of persecution of witches cats getting any as well as their mistresses, most people never ceased to love and admire these animals. In England in the tenth century, even thought the penalty for killing the animal. Cat owner should give the offender a dozen bags of grain.
Males in this period cost is not cheap, pet owners could do for the same price as lamb or suckling pig. Despite the fact that the Catholic Church in the face of a cat she saw the devil, people are mostly fond of these animals and happily gets them as pets. Enough even to remember a story by Charles Perrault, who presented the cat, as unusual animal, intelligent, courageous, a man brought the prosperity and good fortune.
Slavs also hairy and furry animal was associated with prosperity and good fortune, and in contrast to Greek mythology, in which the heroine of many legends have been singing Sirens, we have such a fabulous creature was the singing cat Bayun. He lived not far from the gold mills, on a column of gold, when down the pole down - songs sung when rising up - telling tales. Cote Bayun strong and brave, and his voice a few miles can be heard. Any enemy that can defeat the cat, and his songs can be put to sleep.
Since cats were associated with multiple takes, which our ancestors gathered for centuries. For example, in Britain believe that a cat sneezes to rain when sneezing three times - Cold someone in the family. If the cat pokes its snout into the nose and the owner is trying to sniff the air exhaled by them - this means that the owner will soon get sick. Black Cat has the ability to protect the house from the evil eye and spoilage, as well as from thieves. Colorful cat owner will bring happiness, if it is tri-color, and if semitsvetnaya - happiness is all homemade.
Cat dreams of deception and treachery on the part of relatives and friends. Do not hurt these lovely creatures, one of the beliefs of the cat after the death of the owner helps him climb the steep hill into the kingdom of heaven. If a man loves a cat will be loyal and loving spouse. If you put a cat next to the patient - it will help him recover more quickly, taking his illness.
So as you can see, the cat soon mascot for the family than the imp or evil spirit. The fate of the cat is not easy and hard, these animals some people worship others without regret throwing them into the fire. But no matter how sad they did not shape destiny, in the end still life cats kept light magic, which, as many people, this beast has. Our ancestors believed that killing a cat person dooms itself to seven years of misery and setbacks. Therefore, like an animal and take care, because the cat is not just a friend she is a guardian for your home.