Orb aspects of CO, is apparently not as great as in the natal chart. I'm taking with luminaries only orb of 8 degrees in the case of coincidence or opposition, obtained by imposing natal chart with a map of CO, with the other planets only orb of 6 degrees. The more precise aspect, the more pronounced will be its impact. Divergent aspect usually indicates something that holds up to the moment, which produces maps of CO and therefore can produce only the appearance of implementation during the subsequent year.
Aspects should be evaluated on the basis of aggregate indicators of annual card. Their values are similar to the values natal chart, but apparently, the main configurations are also special features inherent in the SB. The opposition of Mars to Uranus, if it occurs in homes, coupled with the finance / II and VIII /, causes the loss or theft of money or in any way dependent on the will of the subject. Bad aspects between Uranus and Asc correspond accidents involving electricity, gravity is proportional to the power of Uranus. Try to give some special meaning.