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Causes of poor appetite in children

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Causes of poor appetite in children

As is known, the causes of poor appetite in children may be different, and not only those based on dislikes children of this or that dish. Loss of appetite may stem from certain illnesses, malnutrition, lack of treatment or due to various fears. Consider the causes of poor appetite in children more. Often the doctor's office or a psychologist come, parents and complained that their child does not eat, whereas due to their back looks well fed and contented life child. When it comes to the amount of food that constitutes a portion of a single dose, it appears that it would be quite enough, and adult.

In other words, you must remember that the child is two or even three times smaller than an adult, so he needs half as much food. Make small portions, but they must include all the proteins, fats and carbohydrates and vitamins needed for normal functioning of the body baby. Of course, you encounter a problem of his refusal to eat, if you'll be offering him a quantity of food which you eat yourself. You might even be able to break the resistance of the baby that is not the most favorable way can affect both his psyche and his physical health. On the one hand, he will be forced to accept the obvious injustice, but in future this may lead to its complete non-resistance to various difficulties and lack of initiative.

On the other hand, pretty soon you'll have to deal with a different problem - the excess weight of your baby. In short, all should be the measure. Children tend to define themselves perfectly the amount of food they need, so when the child refuses to eat up a portion to the end, do not force him to do it. Sometimes a child's appetite stems not only because of malnutrition, but also because of the absence of the regime. Feed it is not strictly a designated time, and when necessary. In this case, it is difficult to orient in time and tune in to a meal. For example, a child is just played out or stood up after sleep, and his name is at the table.

The reverse situation - the kid wanted to eat, but yet nothing is ready. Children who are forced to eat not to the regime, become nervous, moody, bad sleep, sometimes due to the fact that hungry, so pretty soon parents are turning to professionals, believing that a child is sick. Here it is sufficient only to establish and maintain a family routine of the day. And in a short period of time for the next eating baby will feel a sense of hunger and, consequently, he and an appetite. One day I was approached by parents who claimed that their kid has practically nothing to eat at the table. In the conversation it became clear that this family is made to a prominent place always had a variety of sweets: cookies, candy, halva.
The whole point is that Pope was a terrible slastenoy, and since by the nature of professional work he could work at home, respectively, and are always on the table were a variety of goodies. Home was also the kid who took care of my grandmother. It turns out the kid, imitating the pope constantly chewing on something sweet during the day and knocked himself thus appetite. Yes, and a good grandmother often regaled his then chocolate, then candy. That is why during lunch or dinner, he nearly came to nothing touched. I advised the parents did not give the baby a sweet, except in strictly defined mode clock, and hide away the vase with cookies and candies.

Of course, for the health of the baby had to sacrifice the habits of his father, but my parents decided to adhere to these recommendations me. Adults have talked with my grandmother and took her word that she would treat her grandson just for lunch or dinner, and sweets were removed in a lockable cupboard. In the early days of the parents had to endure this attack from a child who is capricious and demanding candy. Where kindness, and where strict parents managed to convince the kid that henceforth he will get his share of sweets and biscuits after the main meals. Soon after the child returned to normal appetite, which will have favorable effect on his physical health and mood.

My advice is acted favorably on the baby's father. Because he could not free to regale the eyes of a child, he began to do it secretly and in much smaller quantities. This could not affect its shape, because he had to give the lion's share of sweet and starchy foods.

Psychological problemma

Often, poor appetite, there is a very impressionable children under the influence they heard from their peers or adults of different horror stories. So, in my experience, there was a case when I was led a five-year girl who has never had any problems with appetite, and she suddenly became ill there. Attempts to parents as to influence her and make her swallow another spoonful ended, usually because the girl just started to choke food. We played with the girl in various games, and in the process of interaction with her I learned that a few days ago in front of her neighbor told her mother as a woman choked on fish bone and died.

The story was probably invented because it is clearly seen and literally stood the ornate details. No wonder that the impressionable child to become fearful at first at the mere sight of a fish, and then to eat at all. Subsequently, we parents had to work hard to restore the old girl's appetite. So try to advance to protect themselves from such situations. Do not let anyone, and also do not tell children when blood-chilling stories associated with food and meals, because the consequences can be very unpredictable.

It happens that when a child begins to attend kindergarten, he has lost the appetite, he often plays up the table. In most cases this happens because of his natural inclination to imitate adults and children from their environment. It is not surprising that the voice you hear your child's absolutely not peculiar to it notes. For example, one time I lived daughter of friends, who were urgently needed to leave for a month on a business trip. She ate well in the first days of their stay with me, but once for dinner, instead there is his portion was to dig a fork into the dish.

When I asked "What is it?" - The girl replied, apparently mimicking someone from a group that served with it, it will not, and the meatball, so be it, swallow, and she would take sweets. Without thinking, I just shoved her from behind his desk, saying that I need time out to make it a new menu, which would have included candy, ice cream, cakes, and she let him go hungry day or two, as before, with her order, I just not cope. My guest for ten minutes pondering over what I said the words, then silently sat down and ate all his dinner without a trace.

 Apparently, the girl reasoned as follows: nearing the weekend, and spend them on a starvation diet is not really that great, especially since the general is not very clear when it will be ready a new menu. More power problems we have with her did not arise. In other words, if you see that the child refuses to eat do not due to ill health or any serious reason, but only because of the role model to anyone in the group, do not be afraid to leave him without a lunch or dinner. Walk up to his words seriously, but try to bring the situation to the point of absurdity. Sure your child quickly realizes his mistake and try to fix it.
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