Cellulitis as a psychological phenomenon
If you have never looked at my legs and ass upset, then you are an ideal woman. And of course will be my surprise, if you still have not placed a monument. How often do we, looking at the figure, we observe an uneven surface in the hips and legs? The name of this mass. More common - cellulite. Some desperate ladies say that the struggle against it is pointless. You can try everything, but it is as eye color, stays with us for life. Well, unless that liposuction ... But how many of us agree on this procedure? And those who disagree, shake your hands. I and itself know, has experienced a lot of ways, diet, exercise. All in vain. He became my shadow.
And how many ways you have tried? Have you spread on a cellulite gel or boiled thick coffee and winding cling film? And to get up an hour ahead of time and run in a sports suit in the near sports. area? Well, of course, you have tried a couple dozen, maybe twenty, diets, including cellulite. Someone even managed to take several courses of anti-cellulite massage. And many hours a sauna you know? And what happened? Outcome in the mirror has not changed? Well, maybe a little bit. But by the time everything returned. And it seems from this cellulite-no-prisoners to escape.

Not all that bad. In fact, there is still and its causes, and ways to eliminate it. We are not out there looking for. No sites have beautiful leaf, and do not rush to the surgeon, and open the psychological literature. I hear cries of amazement. Not only about the temperament and crises wrote psychology, but also about our illnesses, including cosmetic issues. I propose to consider cellulitis, as a psychological phenomenon. That you just have not tried!
What is cellulite? We dive into a science. This disease is most common in women, and affects mainly the neck, torso, buttocks and thighs, causing problems in the main aesthetic. Cellulitis is an inflammation of cellular tissue, which can lead to painful coarsening of the affected area of the body. Cellulite is very easy to recognize, as they affected area of the body under compression is very similar to orange peel - a lot of valleys and rounded ridges. Also at this site well be felt small and tight granulopodobnye education.
The cause of cellulite. This disease shows that a woman has blocked creativity. In order to determine what area of her life are blocked this ability, it must first determine what part of her body struck by cellulitis. As a rule, women suffer from cellulite, which restrain yourself, do not trust themselves. Since cellulite is creating problems of aesthetic nature, he points out that women are too serious about what they think about it around. It is easy to alien influences and allows other people to restrain her creative impulses. She is afraid to show their true self, to demonstrate their creative abilities. Cellulite can also be a sign that its owner wants to manage their relatives, but do not want others to know about her quest and, therefore, hides and restricts their emotions.
What to do? How to get rid of all these prejudices and of the cellulite? You must ask yourself: Why am I afraid to show their creativity? What is so terrible will happen if I draw attention to their talents, and show what I can do? Maybe I'm afraid to be not up to par? Do I think a weak-willed person?
The fact that the owners of cellulite hinders that, restraining himself, they try to contain and others, and in most cases do it unconsciously. We need to stop clinging to the past, because it prevents us from living a full life in the present. We can afford to stand out from the crowd, to show its strength, deserve praise and admiration of their talents.
Still, some authors claim that cellulite is caused by accumulated anger and self-punishment. In all cases, we recommend some autogenic training. It looks something like this. After waking up, smile, stretch, let me go on my body a good mood. And said the following sentence: "I forgive others. I forgive myself. I have the freedom to love and enjoy life. " Just need to give yourself to understand that loving yourself is necessary. Then we do not want anyone to subordinate and anyone considered. Confident people do not need all this.
Here are ways to combat this disease, scientists are offering us. To some they may seem complicated, someone easy. Someone zamashet hands and scream that: all this is absurd. But we will never know the truth until they try for yourself. Even after a positive result, we call friend, and positive emotions share with her cellulite secret can not be sure of her personal success. It is a struggle. But the fight with no losers. When you start to fight, give yourself right positive attitude. "All I get. I can do anything. I am the best! "What else can we rejoice, because that's what cellulite is just a signal to our body. Once we decode and correct oversights, it will pass. Itself. Nothing further need to do. Just need to love yourself and others. Yes, it is difficult to start. But it is not difficult to maintain. Therefore, once we have crossed the first threshold is difficult, then everything will go as we want. In addition to cellulite, we get rid of other ailments.